Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund: Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) is accepting applications for the Renewable Energy Adaptation to Climate Technologies (REACT).

If your company has a Great Business Idea that will:


  • Transform the way in which clean energy is provided to rural businesses and households?
  • Provide solutions that will help small holder farmers adapt and reduce their vulnerability to climate change?
  • Increase financial services in support of these clean energy and climate change solutions?Proposals that combine commercial viability with development impact can be submitted.

    Through the provision of grant and repayable grant funding, AECF REACT window seeks to promote risk-taking and innovation to encourage established businesses to extend their core activities in ways that create opportunities for the rural poor.

    African and international companies are welcome to apply: There is no restriction on where the applicant company is from, only that the project must take place in one or more of the East African Community (EAC) countries (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda).

    Application deadline: January.For more information and application, see: Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund