Africa Nursing Scholarship

Africa Nursing Scholarship

Africa Nursing Scholarship; The African Palliative Care Association (APCA) in partnership with FHSSA (previously the Foundation for Hospices in Sub Saharan Africa) provides a limited number of scholarships each year for Palliative Care Training opportunities for nurses in Africa.

The Scholarship fund was established by a generous anonymous donation in honour of Kath Defilippi, the founding Board Chair of the African Palliative Care Association to recognise her many career achievements as a nurse in hospice and palliative care in Africa.

Scholarships are awarded up to a maximum of US$ 4,000 through a competitive application process once a year.

APCA and FHSSA give priority to requests of Registered and Enrolled nurses to pursue formal palliative care training in Africa.

They are also willing to potentially consider one scholarship for a distance Learning Masters programme, when necessary for the career objective of the student (i.e. Registered or Enrolled Nurse) and in line with palliative care development in Africa.

Application requests will also be considered for travel for palliative care conferences judged to be of interest to the development of palliative care in Africa.

Africa Nursing Scholarship: What the Scholarship Fund Will Support

The Scholarship fund will support: A contribution of up to US$4,000 per person for palliative care education and training at recognised institutions in Africa for Enrolled and Registered Nurses.

Training programmes which the Scholarship supports include:


  • Bachelor of Science in Palliative Care (Degree)
  • Distance Learning Diploma in Palliative Care
  • Palliative care initiators course
  • Nurse prescribers’ trainingAdditionally, the fund will make available sponsorship of a maximum of US$500 per person for approximately 5 nurses to attend and make a presentation to targeted national and international conferences on palliative care with an objective of improving their presentation skills and giving them an opportunity to interact with other Palliative Care providers.

    A contribution of up to USD $4,000 to one distance learning Masters training in palliative care may be considered in the year.

    Note: this list is not exhaustive and is presented as an indication of what the fund will cover. Other appropriate training opportunities within Africa for nurses related to palliative care may also be considered for funding.

    Africa Nursing Scholarships & Grants: ApplicationCriteria

    Applicants must:

  • Be a Registered Nurse or an Enrolled Nurse residing and practicing in Africa and with evidence that they will be able to continue providing palliative care after their training (please provide a supporting letter from head of your institution confirming this).
  • Have applied for the course they intend to pursue (where they have an acceptance this should be attached to the application).
  • Legibly complete the application form and attach all supporting documents requested.

For more information and scholarship application materials; see – Africa Nursing Scholarships – Funding Opportunities for Nurses – grants and fellowships for African nurses.


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