AGRA Call For Proposals

AGRA Call For Proposals

AGRA Call for Proposals; The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is a partnership of The Rockefeller Foundation and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation working with African governments, other donors, NGOs, the private sector and African farmers to significantly and sustainably improve the productivity and incomes of poor, small-scale farmers in Africa.

AGRA is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, and maintains an office in Accra, Ghana, and also undertakes policy advocacy and resource mobilization.

The Program for Africa’s Seeds Systems (PASS) is an AGRA initiative to improve food security and reduce poverty in Africa by promoting the development of seed delivery systems that allow small-scale farmers to gain access to improved, adapted crop varieties in an equitable and sustainable manner.

AGRA invites proposals from duly qualified organizations for funding of a maximum of $150,000 over two years for activities which will allow the grantee to improve the production and distribution of certified seed of improved, adapted crop varieties among poor, small-scale farmers through both private and public channels, including seed companies, community-based seed systems and public research and extension services.

Proposals should include activities which increase farmer awareness of the value of improved seed and strengthen seed dissemination channels through agro-dealers and other seed retailers.

Priority will be given to proposals which focus on production and delivery of large quantities of high quality seed of a wide range of crop species to poor, small-scale farmers at the lowest price.

AGRA Call for Proposals – Eligible countries include Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Ghana, Nigeria, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso.


For more information and application, visit: AGRA Call For Proposals Website Interested parties are requested to send proposals to email address: seeds [at]

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