Agriculture Grants for Small Scale Farmers in West Africa

Agriculture Grants for Small Scale Farmers in West Africa

Agriculture Grants for Small Scale Farmers in West Africa

Expertise France announces CFPs for Innovations for Climate Smart Agriculture at Small Holders Scale in West Africa.

The Expertise France has announced a Call for Proposals for the Innovations for climate smart agriculture at small holders scale in West Africa – GCCA + West Africa (GCCA + WA).



  • The general objective of this call for proposals is to set up climate smart food production systems (mitigation and adaptation) in West Africa through experimentation (research-action) and capitalizing innovative practices and mechanisms focusing on:
  • Adaptation, so as to ensure food and nutrition security in a climate change situation (seeds selection, climate services, agro-ecological practices, early warning systems..);
  • Soil restoration (4 per 1000, agroforestry, etc.);
  • Mitigation (carbon sequestration, renewable energy in the processing units, etc.);
  • Competitiveness and sustainability of the regional production sectors.
  • The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
  • To fund innovative projects with high replication and/or scaling potential and likely to mobilize additional funds, including from the private sector. This requirement on innovativeness will not focus only the technical/technological aspects, and the experiments may address the entire agricultural value chain (inputs, production, processing and distribution);
  • To promote partnership approaches (including between different stakeholder categories in order to streamline actions on behalf of climate smart farmers agriculture.
  • To document actual experiments and organize research-action on climate smart agriculture in West Africa, through a strong component on project capitalization.Funding Information

    The overall indicative amount available under thiscall for proposals is 2 657 251 EUR EUR. Expertise France reserves the right to not allocate all available funds

    Amount of Grants


  • Minimum amount: 150 000 EUR ;
  • Maximum amount: 230 000 EURDuration

    The initial expected duration of an action cannot be less than 12 months nor exceed 20 months.

    Geographic Coverage

    Actions must be implemented in one of the following countries:, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Lead applicants


  • To be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must meet the following conditions:
  • Be a legal person ; and
  • Be non-profit ; and
  • Belong to one of the following categories:
  • Non-governmental organization (NGO)
  • Farmers and producers organization (FO)
  • Territorial or local authority (domain B) ; and
  • Be established in a member State of the ECOWAS, in Chad or Mauritania or in a member State of the European Union and;
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with co-applicants(s) and the affiliated entity(ies) and not act as an intermediary; and
  • Be able to manage the entire project from design to implementation in the long term, and therefore have at least:- Experience in coordinating a project ( including the administrative and financial management, monitoring and evaluation and capitalization components) of similar size and in the same sector ; and

    – Experience in implementing a project in partnership with an eligible actor of a different nature than that of the leader.



  • Co-applicants participate in the definition and implementation of the action, and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the lead applicant.
  • Co-applicants must meet the eligibility criteria that apply to the lead applicant itself .Affiliated Entities


  • The lead applicant and its co-applicants may act with one or more affiliated entities.
  • Only the following entities may be considered affiliated to the lead applicant and/or co-applicant(s):
  • Only entities structurally related to the applicants( the lead applicant or a co-applicant) in particular in capital or legal terms.This structural link mainly covers two notions:


  • Control, as meant by Directive 2013/34/UE on annual financial statements and related reports of certain types of enterprises:Entities affiliated to an applicant may therefore be:


  • Entities controlled directly or indirectly by the applicant (subsidiary or subsidiary of first rank, or controlled by an entity itself controlled by the applicant (sub-subsidiaries or second level subsidiaries). This is valid for other levels of control;
  • Entities directly or indirectly controlling the applicant (parent company. In the same way, it may be entities controlling a company controlling the applicant;
  • Entities with the same level of direct or indirect level as the applicant (sister companies)
  • Membership, i.e. the applicant is legally defined as e.g. a network, a federation, an association to which the affiliated entity participates or the applicant participates in the same organization (e.g. network, federation or association) than the proposed affiliated entity. 

    For more information and application details, see; Agriculture Grants for Small Scale Farmers in West Africa

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