Amkeni Wakenya Call for Concepts Notes for Grants in Kenya

Amkeni Wakenya Call for Concepts Notes for Grants in Kenya

Amkeni Wakenya Call for Concepts Notes for Grants in Kenya

Amkeni Wakenya is currently inviting interested and qualified Non- state actors including NGOs, FBOs, Academic Institutions, CBOs to submit concept notes for an award of grants in a programme entitled “Promoting increased access to justice for the poor and marginalized in Kenya”.

The Civil Society Democratic Governance Facility (Amkeni Wakenya) is a civil society strengthening project of UNDP established in 2008; to provide coordinated technical and financial support to non-state actors working on democratic governance in Kenya.

This Call seeks to provide funding support to CSO projects that are aimed at promoting access to justice for the poor and marginalised.

The objective of this Call is to increase access to legal aid and assistance for the poor and marginalized groups in 12 counties within the framework of the Legal Aid Act 2016.

This Call has one LOT on enhanced access to justice for the poor and marginalised with different funding allocations based on region.

Grant Information

The overall indicative amount made available under this Call is USD 1,050,000. Non- State Actors from Garissa, Lamu and Tana River will receive USD 50,000 while Nakuru County will receive USD 100,000 annually.


The planned duration of a project is 36 months to be renewed on a yearly basis based on performance.

Geographic Scope


  • This call targets non-state actors in the one (1) pilot urban centre for the national legal aid scheme and three (3) rural counties in Northern Kenya and the Coast. 
  • A total of 6 grants will be awarded to successful applicants.The pilot urban NLAS centre is Nakuru (one grant) while the three rural counties are Lamu (one grant)Garissa (two grants) and Tana River(two grants).

    Eligibility Criteria

    In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:


  • Be a legal person and;
  • Be non-profit making and;
  • Be registered in Kenya for a minimum period of not less than two (2) years
  • Be a Non-state actor registered under the relevant laws of Kenya.
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project with their partners, not acting as an intermediary and ;
  • Demonstrate prior experience of at least two years or more, carrying out activities in the field of development of the kind covered under this programme;
  • Have a bank account. 

    For more information and application details, see; Amkeni Wakenya Call for Concepts Notes for Grants in Kenya

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