Ardhi University Call for SIDA-ARU Minor Research Proposal Re – advertised

Ardhi University Call for SIDA-ARU Minor Research Proposal Re – advertised

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Our Ref: ARU/HO.67/6

23rd March, 2017

To all ARU Researchers


Ardhi University in collaboration with SIDA are implementing a program, Strengthening

Capacity on Research and Innovation for Sustainable Land and Environmental Management for Inclusive Development (STEM –ID). Within the program, there are several sub Programs including the Research Management sub Programme that administers minor research grants. The purpose of this research grant is to expose and support young researchers to enhance their research capabilities. During the first call for minor research (2015/2016 academic year) a total of 10 minor researches were funded. The office of DVC – AA announced a second round for 10 minor researches. After a thorough review process, only 7 proposals were successful.

Therefore the office of DVC-AA is re-advertising for three (3) minor research proposals for the academic year 2016/2017. The budget for each proposal is 30,000,000 TZS. Members of academic staff who hold a position of Senior Lecturer, Senior Researcher or below qualify for this call.

How to apply:

1)Applicants should channel their proposals through their respective Departments, Higher Degrees Research and Publications Committees. The DHDRPC will scrutinize the proposals and make recommendations to School/Institute Higher Degrees, Research and Publications Committee (SHDRPC). SHDRPC will scrutinize and forward the proposals to the office of Director of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publications not later than 24th April 2017. Soft copies of the proposals can be submitted to the following email addresses;;;

2)All proposals must follow ARU research proposal format.

3)Each proposal should detail the budget and the duration of each activity.

4)All proposals must provide a team composition and the CV of the researchers.

Submitted proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:

Innovation: Extent to which the proposed research contributes to knowledge creation by expanding and or strengthening the relevant literature on growth and development.

Policy relevance: The proposals must dovetail with the ARU research agenda.

Quality and composition of the research team. One of the conditions for consideration is that applicants must be of the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer and they must team-up with junior staff.

The output: That is, the number of peer reviewed publications and their delivery milestones.

NB. Those who applied during the last round and were not successful are encouraged to reapply after addressing reviewers’ comments on the proposals that were unsuccessful.

Selection Process

All the submitted proposals will be blind reviewed by at least two experts in the relevant field.

All the applicants will be informed of the outcome of the selection and the comments from the reviewers will be availed.

Released by:

Dr. Yasin Hassan Senkondo

Ag. Director Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publications

c.c. DVC- AA –

on file for noting

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