Ardhi University Civil Engineering

Ardhi University Civil Engineering

ARU Civil Engineering

The School of Construction, Economics and Management at ARU formerly the Building Economics Department was established in 1978 under the then Ardhi Institute. It is the only unit, which provides full time tertiary education in Building Economics in the country. In addition, the department plays a major role in quantity surveying and related activities in the country. The department gets students from all East African countries. Building Economics graduates are employed in education sector, as teachers in technical colleges, private and public firms undertaking construction activities, private and public consultancy firms and self-employed as contractors, consultants and related fields.

Courses offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Building Economics (B.Sc. BE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Construction Management (B.Sc. CM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Building Survey (B.Sc. BS)
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (B. Sc. CE)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Economics and Management (PGD-CEM)
  • Master of Science in Construction Economics and Management (MSc-CEM)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

Ardhi University ( ARU )