Ardhi University Convocation Constitution
ARU Convocation
In this document unless otherwise indicates –
“Alumni” means former or present student or staff o f Ardhi University and its Constituent Colleges;
“Chancellor” means the Chancellor of the University appointed under Article 8 of the Charter;
“Convocation” means the Convocation of the Universi ty established under Article 23;
“Convocation Roll” means a list of names of registe red members of the Convocation established under Article 23;
“Council” means a Council of the University establi shed under Article 18; “Minister” means the Minister responsible for highe r education;
“Returning Officer” means official who conducts ele ctions and announces results; “University Administration” means the management of the University;
“University” means the Ardhi University established under the Ardhi University Charter 2007;
WHEREAS the Ardhi University is established by the Universities Act, 2005; and
WHEREAS Article 23 of the Ardhi University Chatter, 2007 establishes the Convocation of the University; and
WHEREAS the aim of the Convocation is to bring together the members of the Convocation to meet and discuss in a common forum the furtherance of the objectives and functions of the University by all members; and
WHEREAS all the Convocation members do believe that, for the Convocation to function well there has to be a well thought organizational and operational framework for the Convocation in which it will be possible for it to realize its objectives; and
WHEREAS the Convocation members also understand that, with the constitution of their own, it will be possible to provide for the organizational and operational set – up of the Convocation and thereby realize the objectives of the Convocation and those of the University;
Now; THEREFORE, all members of the Convocation do hereby establish this constitution to provide for the general organizational and operational framework of the Convocation in its effort to realize its objectives and those of the University, and all other matters incidental thereto.
1.1The Convocation of Ardhi University (hereinafter referred to as the Convocation) is a statutory entity established under article 23 of the Ardhi University Charter, 2007.
1.2The Official Language of the Convocation shall be English and/or Kiswahili.
2.1The Head Office of the Convocation shall be situated at the Campus of the Ardhi University. The address shall be P.O. Box 35176, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. E – mail:
3.1 Vision:
The Convocation of Ardhi University “strives to be the harbinger of better times”, “the living tie that binds the past activities of t he university to the present and future”.
3.2 Mission:
To provide a dynamic public forum for the Tanzanian community that fosters the birth of new healthy ideas and promotes dialogue on matters whose understanding by the people is crucial to national survival and development.
4.1To establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the Ardhi University and her alumni so as to promote the welfare of the University. This is the major objective of the Convocation.
4.2To provide the members of Convocation with a common forum for the furtherance of the objectives and functions of the University.
4.3To meet and discuss any matter within the sphere of competence of the University and transmit any resolution arising from such discussions to the University governing authorities or to appropriate Government authorities as the case may be.
4.4To develop a strong relationship between the University and the entire Tanzanian society and to maintain a dialogue with the Government on Tanzania’s social, economic and other problems for purposes of promoting development in the country. This can be done through such means as:
∙Organising and holding social events: biennial colloquia, seminars or symposia that would involve dialogue and discussion about the social problems facing the Tanzanian society;
∙Organising meetings such as Annual General Meeting, held one day each year before the Graduation Ceremony at the University;
∙Organising and conducting lectures that challenge the existing societal structures, performance of other, for the purpose of stimulating and encouraging increased efficiency and productivity in society.
4.5To build a database of members of the Convocation in order to enhance communication and information dissemination between the University and its former students and staff by collecting and storing the current and up–to–date information about the university alumni and past ARU teaching staff. To this effect the office can publish newsletters, journals, brochures and pamphlets; create a Convocation information centre and a website for electronic dissemination.
4.6To mobilize funds for the development of the Convocation by means of:
∙Raising funds through sales of publications and other items;
∙Approaching organizations and other supporters for donations and/or sponsorship;
∙Fundraising through membership fees.
4.7To organise and announce, through news media, newsprint, the internet and any other means, all activities and events to be conducted by the University in order to solicit input, contributions or advice by members of the Convocation.
4.8To support the University’s core mission including teaching, research and consultancy.
4.9Award prizes to the distinguished Alumni who have made significant achievements and/or contribution to their profession, community or University.
4.10Create in the alumni, a sense of responsibility, obligation and accountability towards the community and especially towards the University.
5.0The Membership structure of the Convocation shall consist of the following categories:
i.The Vice Chancellor
ii.The Deputy VC Academic Affairs
iii.The Deputy VC Planning, Finance and Administration in his/her capacity as Secretary to the Convocation
iv.All members of the Academic staff (i.e members of the teaching and research staff);
v.All persons who are graduate of the Ardhi University and its predecessors (Survey Training School, Ardhi Institute and UCLAS)
vi.Any such persons as the Chancellor may appoint as members of the Convocation
6.0The membership of the Convocation shall cover the following aspects:
i.The membership of the Convocation shall consist of Ordinary, Special and honorary members
ii.The alumni shall fill an application form to register for recognition of membership in the Convocation.
6.1Ordinary Members
The ordinary membership shall include:
i.Senior Officers of the University – past and presen t,
ii.All Academic staff – past and present, including th ose of the former Survey Training School, Ardhi Institute and UCLAS;
iii.Current Senior Administrative Staff, and all Alumni of the university, including those of its predecessors The Survey Training School, The Ardhi Institute and UCLAS wherever they may reside
6.2Special Members
The special membership shall include:
All the Staff and Students of the former Survey Training School and Ardhi Institute prior to 1974
6.3Honorary Members
The honorary membership shall include:
i.Any person who has received an honorary degree from the University.
ii.Any person whom the AGM confers honorary membership for his/her exceptional contribution to the Convocation or to the University.
iii.Such persons as the Vice Chancellor may, upon recommendation by the President of the Convocation, appoint honorary members of the Convocation.
7.0Ordinary members
Ordinary members shall have the following rights, duties and obligations.
i.Attend all AGM and Special General Meetings (SGM) of the Convocation.
ii.Participate in activities of the Convocation and give assistance in the actions undertaken by it.
iii.Elect persons or be elected to any of the organs of the Convocation.
iv.Be elected, nominated or appointed as observers or representatives of the Convocation to any meetings, conferences, seminars or any other activity which the Convocation may be required to participate.
v.Observe the constitution and all the decisions regularly taken by the organs of the Convocation and express any ideas freely.
vi.All members shall be entitled to benefit from the activities of the Convocation.
vii.To pay annual membership fee as determined by AGM from time to time.
7.1Special and Honorary Members
Shall have the same rights, privileges, duties and obligations of ordinary members with the exception that they cannot be elected to any of the positions of the Convocation or the Executive Committee of the Convocation (thereafter referred to as ECC).
8.1The Secretary shall compile and maintain a Convocation Roll of ARU upon which shall appear the names and addresses of all persons who are members (namely senior members of the University –past and present, all ac ademic staff – , past and present, current senior administrative staff, and all alumni of the University including those of its predecessors).
8.2Eligible member of the Convocation shall register his or her name and address with the Convocation Liaison Officer and notify him or her of any changes thereof.
8.3The roll shall prima facie evidence that any person whose name appears thereon is entitled to all the rights and privileges of a member of the Convocation, and that any person whose name does not appear thereon is not so entitled.
9.1The office bearers of the Convocation shall consist of:
i.The President
ii.The Vice President
iii.The Honorary Treasurer
iv.The Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning, Finance and Administration in his/her capacity as Secretary to the Convocation
v.Deputy Secretary
9.2The Convocation at every third AGM shall elect from among its members a President, Vice President, Honorary Treasurer and Deputy Secretary of the Convocation who will hold office for a period of three years from the meeting at which they are elected.
9.3For the first time of the formation of the Convocation, the President of the Convocation shall be elected by the Chancellor
9.4The President of the Convocation shall subject to his/her continuing to be qualified to be a member of the Convocation and unless he/she becomes incapacitated, dies or resigns, hold office for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-election.
i.The President, who shall be the Chief Executive officer of the Convocation, shall preside at the AGM and ECC meetings.
ii.Shall be competent to represent the Convocation, make statements on behalf of the Convocation, and perform any other duties required by the Convocation Constitution, or act upon decisions taken at the AGM or by the ECC.
iii.Shall represent the Convocation in Senate and University Council.
iv.Shall prepare and present annual report on the activities of the ECC and Convocation for adoption by the AGM.
v.Shall be a signatory to all convocation financial transactions.
10.1Vice President
i.Shall perform all functions and exercise/ all powers of the president if he/she is absent and while doing so has the same privileges as the Chairperson.
ii.Shall act as Chairperson in case of incapacitation or resignation of the presidency.
10.2The Secretary
i.Shall deal with all correspondence relating to the Convocation.
ii.Shall issue notices of meetings of both the ECC and AGM at least two weeks and three weeks, respectively.
iii.Shall report to the Council, Senate and Chancellor any resolution made.
iv.Shall submit to the Chancellor and the Minister responsible for Higher Education a copy of the minutes of every meeting of the Convocation.
v.Shall be a signatory to the Convocation financial transactions.
vi.Shall report to the Council the activities of the Convocation.
10.3Deputy Secretary
i.Shall assist the Secretary of the Ardhi University Convocation.
ii.Shall prepare and circulate the agenda for ECC and AGM meetings
iii.Shall keep records and minutes of the meetings.
iv.Shall receive items of agenda from the members in the form of motions to be considered in the AGM and submit them to the Secretary for approval.
v.Shall disseminate to Convocation members news, circular and forthcoming convocation events.
vi.Shall distribute convocation membership request forms to the new alumni ready for scrutiny and consideration by the ECC.
vii.Shall collect the voluntary acceptance convocation forms ready for AGM approval.
10.4The Honorary Treasurer
i.Shall receive and bank under the directions of the ECC all money belonging to the Convocation.
ii.Shall maintain and keep the financial records of the Convocation.
iii.Shall with the approval of the ECC, make payments for the activities approved by the Convocation.
iv.Shall prepare and present annual audited reports to the AGM.
v.Shall be a signatory to the Convocation financial transactions.
11.0Convocation Executive Committee
11.1This is an Executive Organ of the Convocation chaired by the President. It is a decision making body and is responsible for carrying out the main functions of the Convocation. The composition of the ECC of which at least one third shall be women, shall consist of the following members:
i.The President
ii.The Vice President
iii.The Vice Chancellor (Ex Official)
iv.The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs (Ex Official)
v.The Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning, Finance and Administration (Secretary to the Convocation)
vi.Other members elected every triennium at the Annual General Meeting or nominated by the President of the Convocation in between the election years or as the situation may demand
11.2Rules Governing the Executive Committee
i.The ECC shall be composed of at least one third of female members.
ii.All ECC members shall be elected at the AGM of the Convocation and shall hold office for a period of three years except the Secretary.
iii.All ECC Members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position. The President, Vice President and Honorary Treasurer shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position.
iv.Not more than two Convocation members employed by the University in an administrative capacity may be elected into the ECC.
v.Should any member of the ECC elected by the AGM of the Convocation, vacate office before the expiration of the due period of office, ECC may appoint any member of the Convocation to fill such vacancy. Such member shall fill the position for the remainder of the period of office.
vi.Should the position of President become vacant during the term of office the Vice President shall fill the position for the remainder of the period of office.
vii.Should the position of Vice President become vacant during the term of office the ECC may elect a member of the Convocation to fill the position for the remainder of the period of office.
viii.In the absence of both the President and the Vice President at a meeting the members present shall elect from amongst themselves, an acting Chairperson for the meeting.
ix.No member serving on the Executive Committee at another university shall be eligible for election to ECC.
x.Members of ECC attending Executive Committee meetings will be sponsored by the Convocation funds.
11.3Functions of the Executive Committee of the Convocation
The management of the business of the Convocation and its functions will be vested in the ECC, which shall:
i.Cause to be convene the Convocation annual General Meeting (AGM) which shall receive and approve financial and activity reports of the Convocation and elect new Convocation executive Committee Office bearers as the case may be
ii.Establish sub-committees for the realization of the principles and objectives of the Convocation Constitution.
iii.Hold regular meetings to receive financial and activity reports from the convocation sub-committees
iv.Appoint members to the Convocation Activities Committee, The Publications Committee and Fundraising Committee
v.Make recommendations to the University management for employment of Convocation working staff
vi.Approve and authorize expenditure of Convocation funds
vii.Advice and suggest possible fund-raising initiatives Recommend to AGM for awards or prizes to distinguished Alumni who have made significant achievement to the Convocation and/or University.
viii.Open and operate a separate banking accounts with the approval of the council according to the financial regulations of the University, into which shall be deposited all monies received directly for the Convocation from sources within and outside the university.
ix.In conjunction with the Honorary Treasurer and the Convocation office, maintain all financial records and transactions of the Convocation, which shall be in accordance with the University’s financial regulations.
x.Prepare annual budget of the Convocation for AGM.
xi.Discuss any other business referred to the ECC by the AGM.
xii.Scrutinize and accept membership of the Alumni for endorsement by AGM. Represent the Convocation, whenever necessary, at events, meetings and functions of the University both inside and outside the University.
11.4Convocation Activities Committee
The membership of the Convocation Activities Committee of which at least one third shall be women shall comprise of:
i.The Chairperson
ii.The Secretary
iii.Three co-opted members (Two of whom are senior academics in the University)
11.5Functions of the Convocation Activities Committee
The functions of the committee shall be to:
i.Prepare a three year activity action plan
ii.Oversee implementation of activities of action plan as determined at the start of the triennium
iii.Review the Action plan on yearly basis
11.6 Convocation Publication Committee
The Convocation Publications Committee of which at least one third shall be women shall comprise of:
i.The Chairperson
ii.The Secretary
iii.Three co-opted members (Two of whom are senior academics in the University)
11.7Functions of the Convocation Publications Committee The functions of the committee shall be to:
i.Oversee all activities related to publications of such documentation as the Convocation Web page, The ARU Convocation Newsletter, The ARU Journal of Building and Land or all books arising from proceedings of Convocation – sponsored workshops and symposium
11.8Convocation Standing Committee for fundraising
This is one of the major committees of the Convocation. Its role shall be to mobilize fundraising campaigns and activities that will ensure self sufficiency of the convocation in all financial matters. The composition of the committee of which at least one third shall be women shall include:
i.The Chair (A prominent alumni of the Ardhi University)
ii.The Secretary
iii.The Convocation Honorary Treasurer
iv.Three co-opted members (Two of whom are senior academics in the University)
11.9Functions of the Convocation Standing Committee for fundraising
i.Conduct fundraising events
ii.Solicit funds
iii.Request for sponsorships
iv.Collect profits from investments
v.Collect graduation and membership fee
vi.Collect donations from organizations, sponsors and alumni
vii.Sale publications
The Convocation shall have three types of meetings:
i.Annual General Meeting (AGM)
ii.Special General Meeting (SGM)
iii.The Executive Committee of the Convocation Meeting (ECCM)
12.1Annual General Meeting (AGM)
i.The secretary in consultation with the President of the Convocation shall convene the AGM.
ii.The AGM will be held each year, one day before the University graduation day at such a time and place as the ECC may determine.
iii.Notice of the AGM shall be published in the appropriate University publications, advertised and announced in the appropriate external media as approved by ECC at least three weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
iv.Ten percent of the members listed in the roll shall constitute a quorum at the meeting of the Convocation.
v.Any member who wishes to raise any matter at such a meeting must submit written motions in regard to the said matter to the Secretary of the Convocation at least three weeks before the date of the meeting.
vi.Every motion received shall be signed by the proposer and the supporter, both of whom and in their absence their nominees, must be present at the AGM, to speak for the motion.
vii.Any motion to amend or rescind a previous resolution of the Convocation shall be carried by more than a half of the members present at the meeting.
viii.The ruling of the Chairperson on a point of order of procedure is binding, unless immediately challenged by a member, in which event such ruling must be submitted without discussion to the meeting whose decision is final.
ix.Any matter deemed to be of an urgent nature may, without prior notice, with leave of the Chairperson and a majority of the members present, be considered at such meeting.
12.2Functions of Annual General Meeting
i.Hold election of office bearers of the Convocation and the ECC and any other committees deemed necessary.
ii.Amend and ratify on ARU Convocation Constitution.
iii.Review the policies of the Convocation.
iv.Declare a vote of no confidence on any official.
v.Evaluate commitment, approve and/or terminate membership of the Alumni.
vi.Approve the annual budget for presentation to the University Administration.
vii.Approve distinguished award beneficiaries.
viii.Deliberate on any other matters referred to the AGM.
12.3Agenda for the Annual General Meeting
The agenda for the AGM will be as follows:
i.Adoption of the Agenda.
ii.Confirmation for the minutes of the previous meeting.
iii.Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
iv.Matters arising from ECC meetings.
v.Honorary Treasurer’s Audited Report.
vi.President’s Annual Report.
vii.Election of office Bearers and ECC members.
viii.Any other business with the leave of Chair.
12.4Annual General meeting Resolution
i.The Secretary shall report to the Council the activities of the Convocation and shall transmit to the Chancellor, the Council or Senate as the case may be, any resolution passed by the Convocation.
ii.The Secretary shall send a copy of the minutes of every meeting of the Convocation to the Chancellor and Minister responsible for Higher Education.
iii.The Secretary shall send a copy of every meeting of the convocation to the Alumni listed in the Roll.
12.5Special General Meeting
i.The President may convene a SGM of the Convocation if any when required.
ii.Notices in writing of such meeting shall be sent to all members, and where practicable in press advertisement not less than seven days before the date of such meeting.
iii.Not less than five percent of the Convocation members listed in the Roll may also request in writing to the Secretary a SGM for a specific purpose and such meetings shall be held within sixty days after receipt of the request.
12.6The Executive Committee of the Convocation Meetings
i.The Executive Committee shall meet at such times and places as it shall resolve but shall meet not less than four meetings in a year or whenever required to by the Chairperson.
ii.Meeting dates for the year shall be scheduled by the Secretary in conjunction with the President of the Convocation and in accordance with the planning of the University’s calendar of events and meetings.
iii.The Secretary shall give notice of ordinary meetings of ECC at least seven days before the date determined for the meeting of the ECC.
iv.The quorum for ECC meetings shall not be less than one half of the members.
v.Notice of the agenda of ECC meetings shall be given at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.
13.1The elected President of the Convocation shall automatically be regarded as duly elected Convocation representative to the Senate and Council.
13.2The Convocation representative to the Senate and Council shall not serve more than two consecutive terms of three years in the same position.
There shall be a Convocation Liaison office for the running of the convocation daily activities.
The Convocation office shall bear the following permanent members of staff of whom two of them must be competent management graduates.
i.Convocation Liaison Officer
ii.Assistant Liaison Officer
iii.Office Management Secretary
14.1Functions of the Convocation office:
i.Communication with the Alumni;
ii.Management and maintenance of Alumni Data bank;
iii.Supporting and sustaining Convocation activities;
iv.Promotion and publicity of the University
v.Developing an active working relationship with Alumni and other members of the Convocation;
vi.Establishing and maintaining linkages with other academic and government institutions;
vii.Promotion of student and staff welfare;
Provide strategic support to the officers of the Convocation.
15.1Provide the Convocation office with a reasonable budget for operating costs, meetings and events.
15.2Make available reasonable office accommodation from which the ECC can function.
15.3Provide for posts in the Convocation office, with the job description, grade and salary of the recruited employees.
15.4Provide the ECC with reasonable access to any University venue or facility for the purpose of carrying out the business of the Convocation or of its ECC.
16.1The general elections of the Convocation office bearers and ECC shall be held at the AGM every three years and shall be in the manner determined by the AGM.
16.2Any regular member of the Convocation shall be eligible for election to one of the vacant posts.
16.3The elections shall be organized by the Returning Officer who is the Secretary of the Convocation.
16.4All the elections shall be by secret ballot and by majority vote.
16.5In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairperson presiding the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his or her deliberate vote. In the event of an equality of votes, the whole voting process shall be repeated.
16.6The nomination forms will contain the titles of the vacant posts to be filled in one sheet and will be circulated to ordinary members with the names of eligible members.
16.7The regular member shall propose one name for each of the vacant post and submit the duly filled nomination form to the Secretary.
16.8The Returning officer and appointed scrutinizers shall short list not more than three
names for each vacant post by using popular nominations criteria.
14.9During the AGM, the Convocation members will individually be availed with a ballot
paper that contains the list of candidates and their corresponding vacant post to be voted in through secret ballot.
16.10The Returning officer and scrutinizers shall count the votes and prepare a statement showing candidates who have been validly nominated to fill the vacant posts of the Convocation and ECC.
16.11The Returning Officer shall announce the results of the elections during the AGM under item of the agenda on elections.
There shall be the Convocation Alumni Association, which will comprise of former alumni of the Ardhi University and its former manifestations.
The Convocation Alumni Association of which at least one third shall be women shall comprise of:
i.Association Treasurer
ii.Association President
iii.Association Secretary
iv.Five members
17.1Functions of the Convocation Publications Committee
i.To compile and maintain a unified Convocation members address book (e-mail, mail, telephone numbers)
ii.To establish and maintain Database of graduates from 1956 (STS) – 1972 – 1996 (Ardhi Institute, 1996-2005 (UCLAS), present)
18.1The sources of the Convocation Funds shall be from:
i.University annual budget.
ii.Membership fee to be decided by AGM from time to time.
iii.Subscription fee payable annually to be determined by the AGM from time to time.
iv.Donations and contributions from friends and well – wishers.
v.Fund raising activities, grants, advertisements, interest in stocks, shares and bills and businesses.
vi.Registration fee for participation in annual events to be determined by the ECC from time to time.
vii.Raising funds through sales of publications and other items.
viii.Fund raising activities like Annual/New Year dinner and/or lunch.
18.2The funds of the Convocation shall be used only for activities in furtherance of the objectives of the Convocation.
18.3All moneys shall be received by and paid to the Treasurer who shall deposit to any of the bank(s) approved by the University Administration.
18.4No major payments shall be made out of the Bank account without the approval of the ECC authorizing such payments.
18.5A petty cash account shall be kept by the Treasurer.
18.6Audited financial report shall be submitted in writing by the Treasurer to the ECC for examination and finally to the AGM for approval.
18.7The financial year of the Convocation shall be from 1st July to 30th June of each year.
18.8The Treasurer shall produce financial statements made up to a date, which shall be not less than four weeks and before the date of the AGM.
19.1The Auditors shall be Ardhi University Auditors.
i.All the Convocation Accounts records and documents shall be open for inspection by Auditors at any time.
ii.The Auditors shall examine such financial statements and either clarify that they are correct and duly vouched and in accordance with the University financial regulations or report the vice versa.
19.2A copy of the Auditors report on the financial statements shall be furnished to all members during the AGM.
19.3An Auditor may be paid such honorarium for his duties as may be determined by the AGM.
19.4No Auditor may be an office bearer or a member of the ECC.
20.1All instruments in writing requiring the signature of the Convocation will be signed by the President and one other elected member of the Executive Committee or by such persons as the ECC may determine.
21.1At all elections the Secretary shall act as Returning Officer and shall be assisted by two scrutinizers appointed by the President or, if the President is a candidate, or is absent, by the AGM.
22.1Office bearers may be removed from office by a vote of no confidence at the AGM. Such vote of no confidence shall be by not less than half of the members present.
23.1Any officer can resign by tendering written resignation to the Secretary and such resignation shall be effective with effect from ratification from either the ECC or the AGM.
23.2The ECC shall fill offices falling vacant due to resignation for such period until an AGM is called.
24.1The power to make, alter, amend or repeal the Convocation Constitution is vested in the AGM. It shall be necessary in order to amend or repeal the said constitution that the two thirds of AGM listed in the Roll vote affirmatively.
25.1If any part of this constitution is in dispute, the President shall appoint a committee of three members excluding the ECC officials to help to read and interpret and propose for adoption. In case the dispute is not resolved, the AGM shall appoint a committee of not less than three and not more than five to constitute an arbitration panel.
Ardhi University ( ARU )