ARU Important Notice To Selected Undergraduate Candidates 2016 / 2017

ARU Important Notice To Selected Undergraduate Candidates 2016 / 2017

Below is a list of ARU Selected Candidates / Applicants for the 2016 / 2017 Academic Year

This is to inform all selected undergraduate applicants that:

1. Quality Assurance Fee

Each student is required to pay quality assurance fee of Tshs. 20,000/=. This fee is payable at the beginning of each academic year for purposes of strengthening quality assurance activities at the University. The quality assurance fee is part of registration fee, but unfortunately it was not included in previous admission letters posted in our website between 30th September and 10th October, 2016. As such, admission letters have been amended to include the amount of quality assurance fee. Therefore, the total admission costs for those without medical insurance will be Tshs. 129,900/=.

2.Bank accounts numbers

Those who will be sponsored by the Government through HESLB are required to open bank accounts and submit account numbers to the Loans Officer of the University upon their arrival on 24th October, 2016.

Prof. C. Kihampa.

Director of Undergraduate Programmes


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