Association for Women in Mathematics Travel Grants

Association for Women in Mathematics Travel Grants

The Association for Women in Mathematics Travel Grants will provide the following:

a) The Mathematics Travel Grants provide full or partial support for travel and subsistence for a meeting or conference in the applicant’s field of specialization.

A maximum of $1,500 for domestic travel and of $2,000 for foreign travel will be available.

For foreign travel, U.S. air carriers must be used (exceptions only per federal grant regulations; prior AWM approval required).

(b) The Mathematics Education Research Travel grants provide full or partial support for travel and subsistence in math/math education research, for mathematicians attending a math education research conference or math education researchers attending a math conference.

A maximum of $1,500 for domestic travel and $2,000 for foreign travel will be available.

For foreign travel, U.S. air carriers must be used (exceptions only per federal grant regulations; prior AWM approval required).



  • Applicants must be women holding a doctorate (or equivalent experience) and with a work address in the USA (or home address, in case of unemployed mathematicians).
  • Anyone who has been awarded an Association for Women in Mathematics-National Science Foundation (NSF) travel grant in the past two years is ineligible. Anyone receiving external governmental funds which includes significant funding (more than $2,000 yearly) for travel is ineligible.
  • Partial travel support from the applicant’s institution or from a non-governmental agency does not, however, make the applicant ineligible.

    Deadline: February 1, May 1 and October 1 each year.E-mail: awm[at]

    For further details, and application materials, contact: Association for Women in Mathematics Travel Grants

Selected Candidates / Applicants