Background of Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute

Background of Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute

Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute (DCVI) was founded in 1995 by the Comboni Missionaries as a private institution, in line with the government policies and academic directives of the Ministry of Education and Sports (Moe & S). It is a registered institution and it is a centre for Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) technical examinations and Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) of the MoE & S

Daniel Comboni Vocational institution (DCVI) is a mixed day school but has a boy’s hostel with limited accommodation facilities. Contact Us


Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute (DCVI) has a Board of Governors (B.O.G) which meets regularly on policy issues, reviews narrative and financial reports from the institute administration and approves yearly budgets.

The Administration is headed by the Director and includes the Deputy Director and the Personnel Co-coordinator. The three officers form the management committee. Other members of staff in the Administration include;

  • -Financial Assistant
  • -Office Accountant
  • -Accountant
  • -Office assistant
  • -Two secretaries
  • -cashier/Receptionist

In the Training area, each trade or course has a Head of Department. These include;

  • MECP Department
  • MVT Department
  • E/I Department
  • C&J Department
  • BCP Department
  • IT Department

Each of the above Department has teachers and support staff. The list of teachers also includes part-time teachers for general subject such as Religious Education, English and Social Studies.

Production Units as well as have their heads of Departments and Support Staff. The above set-up constitutes the whole team of the workforce in Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute


Our services are provided via the Production unit. The Production unit provides services such as Repair of Customers’ Vehicles , fabrication, of metal products such as doors, windows gates, e.t.c. ,making of furniture out of timber for customers, Construction of buildings, Electrical Wiring and Repair of electric motors and generators. Other services in the related fields but not mentioned above are also available.

The construction of a new carpentry and joinery production workshop was completed at the beginning of 2010. The building was constructed with funds recieved from the German government, through the Investment programme, – Business, Technical vocational Education and Training (IP-BTVET) of the Ministry of Education and Sports. When th e construction of the building was completed, machines from thee old C/J production, the workshop was transfered to the new one.

The IP-BTVET in addition, provided the Institute with a computer Lab Equipment consisting of eleven computers and a printer. The Institute has also been connected to the Internet and the Computer Lab is being used for training and to raise funds for the maintenance of the computers and the printer and also additional income for the running cost of the Institute

Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute Courses Offered

Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute Contact Address

Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute Fees Structure

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