Background of Makerere University College of Education and External Studies

Background of Makerere University College of Education and External Studies


To excel in the preparation of teachers, other education practitioners, adult education providers, community workers and providers of open, distance and e learning; to excel in the provision of quality ODeL programmes; research and  in knowledge transfer and partnership relevant to CEES and responsive to national and global needs.


The mandate of the College of Education and External Studies is to prepare educators, community workers, administrators, inspectors of schools, curriculum designers and community outreach implementers to work at all levels and forms of the education system.  It also focuses on the provision of adult, continuing, community, open, distance and e-learning. The College is a centre of excellence in the development, research and application of professional educational approaches in response to national and global needs.

CEES Goals

CEES has been established to accomplish the following goals:

  •   Improve the quality of educational services to international standards
  •  To improve the quality of educational research and community training
  •  To promote graduate training and research focusing on education, community adult education, and outreach
  •  To promote alternative delivery modes

CEES Objectives

To achieve these goals, the College will have the following College objectives in mind:

  • To empower University staff to facilitate  high quality learning using diverse teaching/learning strategies
  • To increase the number of graduates in the various fields of education and community work
  • To increase the number and quality of innovations
  • To increase access to university-based programmes using flexible delivery strategies
  • To increase effectiveness of knowledge and technology transfer partnerships related to education, distance learning and community education