Background of MMU Nursing School

Background of MMU Nursing School

Background of Mountains of the Moon University Nursing School Uganda

In many African Universities training in Public Health is mainly at postgraduate level. This renders it difficult to produce enough Public Health professionals for public health services. Yet it is a very well known fact that no country can perform better than its educational system.

In Uganda there is high disease burden attributed to the high prevalence of preventable diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malnutrition. The situation has been compounded by the newly emerging lifestyle diseases (especially hypertension and diabetes).

 Though the National Health Policy emphasizes the importance of health promotion and disease prevention, there are an inadequate number of professionals available with relevant public health knowledge and skills to address these challenges. This situation in many regions of Uganda is not very different in most Tropical African countries. Mountains of the Moon University has thus come in to contribute to the bridging of this gap by offering graduate and undergraduate programmes in Public Health. The School of Health Sciences is focused on producing outstanding Public Health Professionals who meet National and international standards for the modern job market.

 Mission statement

 To offer high quality and demand driven academic programmes addressing local and international public health challenges thereby contributing to the health and wellbeing of the people of Uganda and the international community.

MMU Nursing School Courses Offered

MMU School of Nursing and Midwifery Contact Address

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