Background of Nakawa Vocational Training Institute
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) is one of the four Public Vocational Training Institutes directly operated and administered by the Ministry of Education & Sports (MoES) through the BTVET Department.
The Institute was established in 1971 by the GOU in cooperation with the Government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The primary objective of the establishment was to provide vocational training skills to school leavers and apprentices in enterprises and to upgrade and assess competencies of industrial workers.
Between 1997-2002, the Institute benefited from a 2nd phase project supported by the Governments of Uganda and Japan, which was implemented by JICA. The project undertook: (i) rehabilitation and expansion of the Institute facilities; (ii) provision of additional equipment and tools and; (iii) training of personnel (Instructors and Managers) staff.
From 2004 to 2006, a programme for consolidation of the project achievements and improving the Institute responsiveness to industrial training needs in terms of new technology in three selected fields was introduced. The programme was intended to transfer modern technologies to practicing instructors in three fields.
· Electricity; Factory Automation / Programmable Logical Control
· Electronic; Digital Technology
· Automotive; Electric Fuel Injection
The programme, which was known as Third Country and In-country Training spread out to the entire sub-region as instructors from Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Eritrea and Host Country Uganda participated.
In June 2007, a complementary project for Instructor Training for Vocational Education Training (ITVET) was instituted. The project’s aim was to upgrade the competencies of in-service vocational training instructors in pedagogy and technical skills in Electronics, Electricity, Motor vehicle and Metal Fabrication. NVTI staff aligned to the project have been trained in Japan as Master Trainers and are now implementing Diploma and Certificate in Vocational Training Instruction training programmes. The first batch of 34 in-service instructors completed their 9-month course in March 2009. The 2nd batch has just completed.
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Courses Offered
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Training Courses
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Admissions
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Contact Address
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Institution Structure
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Mission, Vision, Objectives
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Achievements
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