Background of Soroti Flying School

Background of Soroti Flying School

Background of Soroti Flying School


EACAA was established in September 1971 as the East Africa Civil Aviation Flying School of excellence under the Directorate of Civil Aviation (DCA) of the East African Community (EAC), with Government of Uganda, EAC and the United Nations Development Programme and the International Civil Aviation Organisation UNDP/ICAO as the main contributors.

While GoU upgraded the Soroti Airfield runway from grass surface to asphalt, EAC financed the construction of the school buildings, staff housing and navigation facilities as well as providing the administration staff and some technical personnel like counterpart instructors, Air traffic controllers and Meteorologists.

Further, the UNDP/ICAO provided technical assistance in three programs running from 1971 – 1985 in which these UN agencies supplied all training equipment including aircraft, engineering workshop equipment, training aids and project vehicles, among others. They also provided expatriate instructional staff as well as training for counterpart technical staff.

East African Airways provided the bulk of counterpart flying and engineering instructors.

Soroti Flying School Uganda Courses

Soroti Flying School Uganda Training Facilities

Soroti Flying School Uganda Fees Structure

Soroti Flying School Uganda  Admission

Soroti Flying School Uganda Application Form

[button link=”” size=”large” color=”orange”]List of Technical College, Meteorological & Survey Institutions in Uganda[/button]


22 thoughts on “Background of Soroti Flying School”

  1. My name is Johanna.I m doing pre-engineering this year at UNAM ,main çampus and I would like to do mining engineering next at UNAM. My mother is unemployed and I am an orphan .I am looking for a bursary at NAMDEB bursary scheme.
    So I kindly requesting you to grant me a bursary,
    Thank you for your consideration in my request.
    Your faithfully
    Johanna Shikongo

  2. my name is philipus ndahomenua a second year at THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT, my parents are unemployed thus i am unable to cover my tuition. what can i do to get a bursary?

  3. My name is ester thomas, ,im a student at Nimt (level 1) doing Boilermaker , my mother passed away, my father is unemployed, and now im struggling to pay my rent, registration fees and meals, I’m lookin for a bursary at the Namdeb bursary scheme. Im very interested to see the economiy of the country to grow rapidly, if there’s a chance I can even pursue my levels 6 at South Africa …..
    Kindly request you to understand my situation and grant me a bursary. ?.

    Thanking you

  4. My name is amon mainga my parents are borth unemployed.I was currently admitted to unam but iam failing to pay the tuition fee so grant me a bursary so that I can further my studies .
    thank you

  5. Hello….when can someone apply for a namdeb bursary?.and when can the person get financial assistance

    • Julian, contact NAMDEB on +264 61 204 3333 for assistance

  6. Good evening. My name is Ramunika Tjikeama a level 3 Office administration vocational certificate holder and i have grade 12. I want to study further on my field, have not yet applied at any institution yet. Can i apply for a bursary at your institution?

  7. I’m a fourth (final) year student at the University of Namibia, studying Honours degree in Education. I’m looking for a bursary to pay my tuition fees for 2018 academic year. For, my parents are incapable to afford the fees and I don’t have a study loan. Please I’m kindly waiting for your good response.

  8. Good Afternoon,

    I am a Business Informatics honors holder student and would like a scholarship/bursary to do my Masters. I would like to do Masters in Informatics specializing in Information Security at Namibia University of Science and Technology. Do you also fund IT students, please assist?

    Thank you.

  9. My name Is Ali Talishi Shitenda , I come from a house of six children total a house of 8 including my parents . My dad is unemployed and has to support six children . 3 of us are under his care. The bursary will be of best assisrtance to me as am attending university and Medical campus the loan was delayed due to some complications.

  10. I am Vaino Uusiku currently doing my level 2 in the field of boilermaking at Namibia Institute of mining and Technology I would like your company to provide me bursary as it will help me to pursue my study ..

  11. I am studying for bachelors degree in accounting, third year at NUST and need assistance with my tuition fees, how do i apply for a bursary or scholarship?

  12. my name is Katrina Nangula Ishinga, 1st year student at NUST and i am doing a Bachelor in Human Nutrition. My father passed away on 2004, my mum cannot afford to pay my tuition fees, transportation and school materials. therefore i kindly requesting Namdeb bursary scheme to assist me to finish my studies.


  13. Where can I get the application if I want to apply for bursary, I’m currently in grade 12

  14. Hello
    My name is Pieter Micheal Richard i am grade 12 student and is the best in my school and i am having 5 subjects on Higher grade and i am interested in studying Chartered Accounted. last year my school got second place in the Bank of Namibia competition and i was the only male person in the group of five. Please guide me and help me if possible with a bursary. looking forward on your quick and favorable response. may God bless your company.

  15. I am Ndafimana Jonas currently doing my honors degree at university of Namibia in Biochemistry first year. Both of my parents don’t work and I don’t have any loan. I have no one to pay for my course
    therefore am looking for a help from your company to help me out with a bursaries so I reach my goals.

  16. I am Amutenya Juneas N,currently doing FITTING AND TURNING N2 at NIMT,I passed all my N1 modules and practical as well as for N2.I will start with my N3 in September,and I m planning to proceed with N4,N5 and N6 at South Africa after I complete with my N3.My parents they are all unemployed and I am ever struggling to pay my renting fee and to buy meals.I m requesting for NAMDEB company to provide me with a bursary as it will help me to persue my study at NIMY until my final year.

  17. I am Amutenya Juneas N,currently done with my N1 and N2 FITTING and TURNING at NIMT,I will start with my N3 in September,my parents are both unemployed and I planning to proceed with my N4,N5 and N6 at SA after I complete my N3.I usually struggling to pay my renting fee and to buy meals as my parents ar struggling to provide me with money because they are not working.I m requesting for NAMDEB COMPANY to provide me with a BURSARY as it will help me to persue with my study at NIMT.

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