Background of Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI)

Background of Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI)

History of UHTTI Uganda – Jinja

The Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (HTTI) started in mid of 1980’s after a feasibility study under the project UNDP/ILO/UG/30

The institute was established at Fairway Hotel in Kampala in 1989 as a pilot school under the ILO/UNDP. When Fairway Hotel was repossessed by its original owners in 1991, ILO/UNDP pulled out of the project, leaving it entirely to the Government of Uganda.

Government enacted Statute No.14 0f September 1994 that established the present Hotel and Tourism Training Institute and transferred the former Crested Crane Hotel and all its assets to the new Institute. The Statute commenced in 1994, and the institute resumed training in mid 1996 at Crested Crane Hotel in Jinja, 80kms East of Kampala, with a new management under Ministry of Wild Life and Antiquities, later Ministry of, Tourism, Trade and industry.

The statute however, was repealed by section 130, sub– section 1 and 2 of the Universities and other Tertiary  Institution Act, April 2001 that commenced on the 6th April 2001.The Hotel and Tourism Training Institute,  fully  Owned by the Uganda Government,  was in 1998 transferred to the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) as its line Ministry.

 In November 2007, following Cabinet directive, HTTI was again transferred back to the Ministry of Tourism Trade and Industries as its parent Ministry. It is now under the new Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Heritage

See Als

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Mission, Vision and Mandate

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Courses Offered

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Contact Address

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Admissions

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Facilities

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