Background of Universal Virtual Content (UVC)

Background of Universal Virtual Content  (UVC)

Universal Virtual Content (UVC) an Institution based in Kampala, it is accredited by the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE)to offer courses in CPA,ATC,ACCA using e-learning virtual platform. we now offer live-online virtual classes and CPA recorded videos, online objective tests for the new syllabus CPA papers which are starting in 2016 using a smartphone, tablet or Laptop.

For the officials from the ministry of Local government in various districts who may want to join us. we are happy to inform you that we are prequalified under category of training and you can find out from head quarters at workers house in procurement and disposal unit office.

Universal Virtual Content (UVC) Courses Offered

Universal Virtual Content (UVC) Contact Address

Universal Virtual Content (UVC) Fees Structure

Universial Virtual Content (UVC) Registration

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