Bayan College for Science and Technology Media Studies

Bayan College for Science and Technology Media Studies

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The Media department offers diploma and bachelor’s degrees leading to the award of the following degrees:

  • Journalism major
  • Public Relations major
  • Broadcasting major.
  • Advertising

The Media department offers specialized courses in television, radio, print, and public relations. In addition, the department runs a lively television talk show on campus every day.

The Media department has qualified full-time and part-time international team who bring in a wide range of experience and diversity.

A ware of the dynamics in the media industry, the department strictly reiterates the college’s mission of creating an environment that is highly conducive to quality education and the pursuit of excellence through providing skilled, trained and responsible graduates.

In line with its belief of producing practically oriented students, the department provides the opportunity for students to engage in practical courses through its state of the art Multi-Media Studio laboratory. This is mainly for students offering the broadcasting major. For students of Journalism major, The Bayan Post which is a student centered newspaper for the college provides a fertile ground for them to hone their skills and abilities in news writing and reporting, copy editing and photojournalism. The students of Public Relations major are taught particularly through Advanced Public Relations to come up with public relations projects such as public relations campaigns and crisis management plans among others.

Journalism Major

The independent mass media representing diverse views are vital to the functioning of the Sultanate in the 21st century. In a world of today, it is very important that the interests of the Sultanate as well as those of its people are put on the international stage in neat fashion. In Oman, there is a vital need to consolidate media strengths, overcome weaknesses, and raise the professional, intellectual, and ethical standards of journalism, so as to bring the performance of the media up to advanced international levels. The growing media industry needs and deserves trained professionals who can carry the baton of responsible journalism in Oman.

The media can be no better than their practitioners. It follows that the growing demand for trained staff from news organisations must be met with a crop of educated young people, not only with the necessary professional skills but also with the broad knowledge, integrity, and social commitment that will make them outstanding journalists.

Bayan College is dedicated to the task of producing such journalists. The journalism department in Bayan College is committed to provide students with world-class journalism education” & Sultanate of Oman and other GCC as well as the MENA region. It seeks to prepare its graduates to achieve the highest standards in all branches of the profession, keeping in focus the trend and thrust of convergence and digitisation in the media, and the consequent demands for multiple skills made on the contemporary journalist.

Alumni from journalism major offered by Bayan college have proved to be in high demand and are already at work in all areas of journalism in the Sultanate. Their success and achievement in the industry is a tribute both to their talent and to the institution that educated and trained them. The department wishes to be an important tool in the development of not only the journalism sector in the Sultanate but an important part in the overall development of the Omani economy.

Broadcasting Major

Bayan College offers graduate courses in the art, craft and technology of the modern media. The college provides the highest standard of electronic media education and training with a professionally and academically accomplished faculty and a broad spectrum of visiting professionals from the Omani and GCC media industry. The Radio and Television department is at the forefront of scholarship and teaching in media studies, attuned to the scale, scope, pace, and power of mediated communication in the twenty-first century Oman. The curriculum emphasizes the study of global television, digital media and new technologies, media history, visual culture, sound studies, media industries and infrastructures, media activism, and political communication.

The department also understands the need for an emphasis on applied and hands-on training required for a holistic development of the students. . In today’s rapidly changing context of digital media, mobile platforms, global cultural flow, and economic volatility, we see the intersections of these mediums as crucial to understanding and navigating an increasingly interconnected world that is fast changing and evolving. Keeping this in mind, the department’s state of the art television studio and outdoor shooting facilities offer significant opportunities for the students to sharpen their skills in the field of Radio and Television production.

The Radio and Television department in Bayan College is a dynamic place that represents the cutting edges of scholarship in Television and Radio discipline. Alumni from the department have successfully entered careers in media, digital start-ups, non-profit organizations, law and government, education, and the academia.

Public Relations Major

In today’s competitive world the need to effectively engage with various organisational publics requires that organisations strategic communication plans with tailored messages to keep a favorable reputation. The public relations program at Bayan College offers students the opportunity to learn how to help organisations communicate effectively with their publics. Among other things the program prepares students to create various media messages, public relations campaigns as well as plan events for non-profit organizations and private firms.

The public relations internship experience at Bayan College were students are required to complete an internship offers student’s practical, hands-on experience by offering students the opportunity to work with organisations where they get the opportunity of practicing public relations by managing press conferences, developing strategic communication plans, public relations campaigns and media kits.


This course prepares students with basic advertising principles and the role of advertising in media and society. The course also exposes students to the 21st century  advertising environment including agency- client relationships, ethics, consumer behavior, research, planning creative advertisements as well as Writing effective copy or print and broadcast media.

The media department trains its students under tailor made programs that meet the highly competitive job market. Through this, our students often stand high chances of getting jobs in their respective areas of specialization. The students often end up getting their career jobs in both government and the private sectors not only in the Sultanate of Oman but also the region.

The students graduating with Broadcasting Major stand chances getting their career jobs as TV/Radio Reporters and presenters, Executive producers, Script Writers, News Anchors, Video/Film Editors, Talk show Hosts, Advertising producers, Camera Operators among others.

The students graduating with Journalism Major stand chances of getting career jobs as Editors, Writers, Reporters, Copy Editors, Assistant Editors, Publications Designers, Ad Writers, Illustrators, Photo Journalists among others.

The students graduating with Public Relations Major stand chances of getting career jobs as Communications Managers, Public Relations/Communications specialists, Communication officers, Public Relations Officers, Public Affairs officers, Public Relations Assistant, Public Relations Executives, Media Relations officers/Coordinators among others.

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