Bunghoko Rural Development Centre Mbale

Bunghoko Rural Development Centre Mbale

  • Hair Dressing
  • Building and Construction
  • Sustainable Agriculture
name of the institute Bungokho Rural Development Centre
training provider type private
district of this institute Mbale
adress of this institute P.O.Box 385 Mbale,
Located on Mbale Tororo road three miles from Mbale town opposite the army Barracks.
phone number +256 352277431
fax number +256
main training area
  • agriculture, horticulture and animal care
  • building, construction and the built environment
  • health, community services and care
  • tailoring, clothing, footware and textiles

Additional coureses

Posted byAnonymous Userat 16-02-2014 07:30
In the last two years Bungokho rural development center has added two more courses which seemingly have gained a lot of popularity. These include Hair dressing and computer skills. As well as training at the center , an innovation of training in the communities is proving to be successful targeting those who may not have the time be away and probably lack the ability to pay a high tuition fee, this approach reduces the costs tremendously

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