Business School of Excellence Admission Requirements

Business School of Excellence Namibia Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for Higher Higher Certificate in Logistics Management

  • Prospective students who matriculated after 2008 must be in possession of a National Senior Certificate or equivalent, with a minimum achievement of 40% in English at the Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (0) level.
  • Prospective students who matriculated before 2008 must meet minimum requirements for a Higher Certificate programme or equivalent.
  • Prospective students who do not meet these minimum admission requirements, but have a Junior Secondary Certificate or equivalent qualification, may apply to the Registrar for possible admission through Recognition of Prior Learning. In this case prospective students should be over the age of 23, with relevant working experience in the field of logistics and supply chain management.


Admission requirements for Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Prospective students who matriculated after 2008 must be in possession of a National Senior Certificate or equivalent, with a minimum achievement of 40% in English at the Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (0) level.
  • 100% upfront payment is required. Contact BSE for a payment plan. Corporate Packages apply
  • A National or Higher Certificate (NQF Level 5) in Logistics- or Transport Management or equivalent, would be beneficial.
  • Prospective students who matriculated before 2008 must meet minimum requirements for a Diploma programme or equivalent.
  • Prospective students who do not meet these minimum admission requirements, but have a Junior Secondary Certificate or equivalent qualification, may apply to the Registrar for possible admission through Recognition of Prior Learning. In this case prospective students should be over the age of 23, with relevant working experience in the field of logistics and supply chain management.

The Open Learning Group will issue certificates to students who successfully complete this programme. OLG is provisionally registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Private Higher Education Institution, as an FET College: Skills Development Provider through the QCTO and is accredited with the ETDP SETA and UMALUSI (the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training).

Admission requirements for Advanced Certificate in Education


An approved 3-year teaching qualification.
*Mathematics: approved 3-year teaching qualification with specialisation in mathematics OR a recognised 3-year teaching qualification AND instructed mathematics for at least two years in the GET-band.
**A four year teaching qualification AND Mathematics Gr 12.

  • The language used for administrative matters is English. All correspondence from the NWU is mainly in English.
  • The ACE is offered in English with most of the fields offering Afrikaans equivalents, except Mathematics which is only in English.
  • Students may write their exams and submit assignments in English or Afrikaans.
  • English will be used in contact sessions, but students may use English or Afrikaans depending on the facilitator’s language preference.

Admission requirements for Advanced Certificate in Education


To apply for admission to an BEdHons programme, you must have one or more of the following:

  1. A Baccalaureus degree or equivalent (360 credits) plus a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (BA + PTC/ACE) or another professional education qualification (120 credits, of which 72 are at level 6);
  2. A four year (480 credits) Baccalaureus in Education (BEd);
  3. B-degree with relevant education modules
  4. A recognised (SAQA accredited) teaching qualification that adds up to 480 credits (72 credits at level 6).
  5. Any recognised RPL equivalent for the above


  • The languages used for administrative matters is English. All correspondence from the NWU is mainly in English.
  • The BEdHons qualification offers most modules in English and Afrikaans.
  • Students may write their exams and submit assignments in English or Afrikaans.
  • English will be used in contact sessions, but students may use English or Afrikaans depending on the facilitator’s language preference.


  • The minimum study period is – 2 years
  • The maximum study period is –3 years
  • Certification will be withheld from students who accelerate their studies (shorten the minimum period).

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