Business School of Excellence Namibia Examinations

Business School of Excellence Namibia Examinations


Examinations are written twice a year to coincide with Namibia’s school holidays,

during which both first and second semester modules may be written.

You may write examinations if you have obtained the required participation mark.

An examination may only be attempted

twice per module and a fee is payable for the second attempt.

Please note: Should a student not pass a module after a second examination opportunity the module will be cancelled automatically. It is the responsibility of the student to reregister for the module in question.

You have to:

a)pay the required re-registration fee (contact the Call Centre at 061 247 879 or to request a quote); and

b)fax proof of payment together with a completed Module Re-Registration Form to 061 247 043.

Re-registration of a module must be successful before 1 January / 1 June for the applicable examinations.

You may write examinations within the following schedule:

to write in the April/May examinations a student must be registered before October of the preceding year; and

September examinations, a student

must be registered before 1 April of


the same year.

NWU awards these qualifications during In ACE students complete ONLY ONE graduation ceremonies in Namibia.

assignment per module to gain the required admission to examinations.

BEdHons students do the number of assignments required for each module as stipulated in the tutorial notes.

A participation mark of 40% is required to gain admission to the examinations.

15.2 Examination registration

Students will receive an examination time- table for modules for which assignments were received, providing them with entry into the exam centre.

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