Business School of Excellence Namibia Student Support

Business School of Excellence Namibia Student Support

BSE and NWU lend as much support as possible to our distance students as we rea- lise that it is challenging to do distance study and be a full-time teacher as well. Therefore, we have the following support systems in place to assist our students:

Tutorial Notes (TUTs):

These notes give students an introduction to each module in their programme, and discuss important aspects of each module and problems which students may encounter in modules. The assignments for each module also appear in the TUTs, as well as advice on how to do these assignments.

In these TUTs, the lecturers also supply their contact numbers and e-mail addresses so that students can contact them directly.

Contact Classes:

Contact classes are held at various centres each year during which students meet with lecturers/facilitators who assist them with their studies. This is conducted for selected modules only.

During contact classes students have the opportunity to form study groups, which assist with the study process.

NWU also makes use of whiteboard technology for direct broadcasts from NWU.

Vacation Schools:

Vacation school sessions are held during the year, during which students can also

meet lecturers/facilitators who will assist them with their studies.

NWU Library:

Students may personally visit the NWU Library.

Students may access the NWU Library via the Internet.

For student support contact the Windhoek or Oshakati Call Centres at:

Windhoek: 061 247 879

Oshakati: 065 220 005

The Call Centre is a one-stop help desk for all your queries regarding administrative problems. Please note that academic problems should be referred to the NWU – although BSE will assist as far as possible.

Examination Centres:

Examaminations can be written at examination centres countrywide.

Information Booklet:

After registration a student receives an information booklet, which provides all the rules and regulations relating to the programme, such as examination rules, administrative regulations and academic

rules. A student receives this booklet only once. It is therefore important that you read this booklet.

Year Programmes:

Every year students receive a year programme, which contains the exami- nation timetable, contact session dates and centres, as well as other important dates and information.

Business School of Excellence Courses
Business School of Excellence Contact Details
Business School of Excellence Namibia Application Forms
Business School of Excellence Namibia Prospectus
Business School of Excellence Admission Requirements
Business School of Excellence Namibia Banking Details
Business School of Excellence Namibia Application Dates
Business School of Excellence Namibia Registration
Business School of Excellence Namibia Cancellation Policy
Business School of Excellence Namibia Study Materials
Business School of Excellence Namibia Examinations
Business School of Excellence Namibia Open Learning
Business School of Excellence Namibia Course Outlines
Business School of Excellence Namibia Windhoek
Business School of Excellence Namibia Oshakati
Business School of Excellence Namibia Registration Contacts
Business School of Excellence Namibia Pages