Busitema University Faculty of Health Sciences
I warmly welcome you to Busitema Faculty of Health sciences Website. The Faculty offers a unique environment to pursue health professional training. Located in Mbale town in Eastern Uganda, the faculty is one of the six campuses of Busitema University. We are positioning ourselves to play a critical role in the economic and social development of Africa through the training of distinguished health professionals. In our operations we are focusing on addressing the needs of underserved populations. To achieve this, the Faculty has partnerships with a number of health centers and hospitals including those in underserved areas in the country. Further the faculty runs an Innovative curriculum that affords students opportunity to focus on improved health care delivery at both primary and tertiary levels. We are working on developing a distinguished research base, focused on areas of research in which we can make a unique contribution. Such areas include population health, Maternal and Child Health, and Nutrition and Health Management. Every effort is being made to integrate research into teaching and learning at the faculty. In the short while we shall be launching the Master of Medicine (Internal medicine), Master of Medicine (Paediatrics), and Master of Public Health programs. The aim is to strengthen training and patient care in Mbale regional referral Hospital and address the critical gaps in health care delivery in the country. Further to this the school will soon launch the Bachelor of Science Nursing program. I therefore warmly welcome you to explore opportunities at Busitema faculty of health sciences. Sincerely,