Call for Applications for Funding for Women Projects in Niger

Call for Applications for Funding for Women Projects in Niger

Call for Applications for Funding for Women Projects in Niger

Call for Applications – NGO, PME, EPA Socio-Economic Reintegration Project for Women in Niger.

UNCDF has announced a call for applications for NGO, PME, EPA socio-economic reintegration project for women in Niger.

The objective of this call for applications is to establish a partnership with service providers (NGOs, EPAs, SMEs, SFDs, etc.) in order to propose technical and financial capacity building programs as well as projects for the benefit of victims. of GBV in the regions of Tillabéry, Tahoua, Maradi and Zinder.

In addition, partnerships with municipalities will be established as part of the planning and implementation of municipal investment projects that take into account the socio-economic needs of project beneficiaries.

The purpose of this partnership with NGOs, EPAs, and SMEs is to create the conditions for the socioeconomic reintegration of victims of GBV in the municipalities identified in the regions of Tillabéry, Tahoua, Maradi and Zinder, in particular through the following actions broken down into two axes:


  • Axis 1. Capacity building Training of beneficiaries in apprenticeship in the trade (market gardening, fattening, agro-food processing, small trade, weaving, sewing etc …), in association life, support for the creation of businesses etc … business management Financial education (savings, access to micro-credits and other loans etc …)
  • Axis 2. Development and support for the implementation of micro-projects for women victims of gender-based violence Propose projects intended for beneficiaries and capable of generating resources for them individually or collectively Propose projects likely to be managed by the beneficiaries and include them in the durationFunding Information


  • Axis 1. Capacity building: Grants of $ 80,000, or $ 20,000 per region, are allocated for these capacity building activities. One or more NGOs can make proposals for one or more regions.
  • Axis 2. Development and support for the implementation of micro-projects for women victims of gender-based violence: Grants amounting to $ 250,000 will be earmarked for investments directly benefiting WBG women through micro-projects proposed by NGOs or EPAs or SMEs.The minimum microproject check is $ 25,000 with the possibility of covering the 4 target regions.

    Evaluation Criteria

    The evaluation of offers takes place in three stages and includes:


  • Verification of the submission of (all documents),
  • Analysis of application files,
  • Analysis of project proposals,
  • Analysis of the quality report of the proposed projects-amount of the grant requested,
  • Analysis of the capacity to be carried out the project.Apply by 11th October.


    For more information and application details, see; Call for Applications for Funding for Women Projects in Niger

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