Call for Consultancy – Feasibility study on cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programming in Madi Okollo District, West Nile Uganda – Humanity & Inclusion
Organization: Humanity& Inclusion
Project Name: Agile response by the Belgium Alliance for Humanitarian International action (BAHIA), to control the spread of COVID 19 and mitigate its multidimensional effects on humanitarian crisis.
Project Location: West Nile Region, Terego district in Imvepi; Rhino camp including Omugo settlements in Madi Okolo District
Contract Type: Short term Timeframe: 15 working days
About US: Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity. Humanity& Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid and development organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. HI is currently implementing more than 300 projects in nearly 60 different countries. Our activities target the most vulnerable people, including persons with disabilities; persons living with disabling diseases; populations at risk of diseases, violence, and accidents liable to cause disability; populations threatened by weapons, munitions, and explosive devices; refugee populations, populations living in disaster areas and displaced populations; and persons suffering from disabling injuries and trauma. We work in emergency, post-emergency, reconstruction, rehabilitation, development, and chronic crisis contexts. The agile response by Belgium Alliance for Humanitarian Action (BAHIA) project serves as a pilot to discover new ways of working, especially concerning the flexibility of funding for humanitarian NGOs and the coordination amongst them, both in Belgium and in the field. BAHIA is committed to the four humanitarian principles, namely; humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence and will ensure a safe programming approach. Toward this end, the project will be set up to achieve the following;
- Contain the spread of COVID 19 through strengthened prevention and response capacities of communities, local and international actors.
- Preserve the ability of most vulnerable and affected people to meet the additional food consumption and other basic needs caused by pandemic through their productive activities and access to social safety nets and humanitarian assistance
- The vulnerable affected communities have equal access to essential services and the most vulnerable people put in place mechanisms for protection and resilience in the face of distress and/or risk of violence and abuse.
The objective of the study The project will contribute to the preparedness and response to the primary and secondary impact of COVID -19 by promoting public health and supporting the protection of vulnerable populations form contamination to COVID -19 as well as increased protection risks while restoring their dignity and capacity to meet basic needs. The CVA feasibility study will seek to understand the CVA set up requirements in the targeted Districts of West Nile Region (North West) in the settlements of Imvepi (District of Terego), Rhino Camp including Omugo (District of Madi Okollo). This will include determination of the cash transfer platforms and modalities (hard cash, electronic transfers -mobile money, vouchers) in line with CVA standards taking into consideration the local context, the protection standards and operational risks involved. In addition, the assessment, will seek to determine the transfer amount and frequencies in relations to project objectives and context, and the needs of the target group, further it will identify the best cash transfer services providers i.e. agencies and aggregators and also determine the best the exit strategy for the project. Activities and Tasks
- Provide an inception report on the overall feasibility assignment
- Conduct Literature review/desk review on CVA intervention internationally and nationally.
- Conduct interviews/discussions with Key CVA actors, financial service providers (mobile service and banking agencies) and target groups in Uganda and especially in the refugee’s settlements and host communities in Terego and Madi Okollo District.
- Develop key documents/plans/frameworks/SOPs to guide the implementation of CVA interventions.
- Conduct the study as per agreed timelines.
- Conduct a feedback meeting to provide a summary of overall finds
- Submit feasibility study report
Key Deliverables
- Inception report on overall assignment
- Draft report outlining design component such as transfer amount, frequencies, rationale and time bound intervention including pre-implementation set up.
- Steps for setting CVA mechanism,
- Template for use in execution of CVA in West Nile
- Standard operating procedures (SOPS), for the CVA,
- Protection and operation and financial risks mitigation plan
- Financial management requirement and accountability Mechanism/plan,
- Safeguarding and feedback mechanism for the CVA project.
- Feedback workshop/meeting with HI BAHIA Team.
- List of financial service provider (mobile money providers, banking agents and aggregators).
- Registration and verification of target group/beneficiaries’ framework.
- Monitoring and evaluation framework for the CVA including tools
- CVA exit strategy
- Final feasibility report
Management and Organization: The consultant/research organization is supervised by HI Operations Managers Kampala and West Nile in collaboration with the Regional Technical Unit Manager and Technical coordinators for rehabilitation and livelihoods. The team will provide the contractor with necessary technical support and facilitate communication with relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries if needed all through stages of implementation. The Consultant is responsible for:
- Proposing a study methodology consistent with the objectives and instructions of these terms of reference;
- Recruiting her/his Research team including data enumerators and train them;
- Ensuring the quality, integrity, and confidentiality of all data collected;
- Coordination of activities on-site, with relevant personalities related to the research
- Making their own mobility arrangements to the various project sites to meet stakeholders
Qualifications and experience required from the consultant The consultant is expected to have the following:
- The lead consultant should have a master’s degree in business related field, livelihoods /cash-based interventions, developmental studies, Social sciences, or any relevant qualifications in the field of humanities.
- Track record of conducting studies in refugee settings for at least 3 years in areas of economic empowerment, livelihoods and cash-based interventions. The consultant will be required to provide copies of relevant previous work done (or company profile).
- Experience and knowledge of disability programming will be an added advantage
- Excellent interview, team work and communication skills
- Ability to write clear, concise reports in English- copies of previous reports in similar studies done.
- Evidence of similar work/reports done with other I/NGOs
How to Apply: The application for the consultancy should include:
- A one-page Cover Letter
- A Technical Proposal: 10-pages maximum
- Presentation and profile of the applicant including technical references;
- A brief explanation of previous experience in this kind of work;
- Methodological note on organization of the study and proposed methodology including size and structure of the sample, sample questionnaire, and identification of key informants.
- Tentative work plan with timeframes and deadlines for deliverables.
- Structure of the research team, including qualifications and experience.
- Assessment report outline.
- A Financial Proposal
- The Financial proposal should contain the cost estimates for services rendered, including daily consultancy fees (transport, living costs, stationery, and supplies needed for data collection). Data collection and processing costs are included in the account of the Consultant.
Bid submissions Sealed bids should be hand-delivered to HI Head office: Plot No.2, Upper Naguru East Road (off Ofwono close), Kampala P.O.BOX 10544, Kampala. Deadline for submission is 14th Wednesday 2021; 3:00pm East African time. Subject: “Assessment of CVA modalities/mechanism in West Nile (Madi-Okolo & Terego Districts. Attention: Regional HI Logistics Manager HI will only contact short-listed Consultant 2 days after the last day of submission
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