Call for Projects Grants for Youth and Environment in Tunisia

Call for Projects Grants for Youth and Environment in Tunisia

Call for Projects Grants for Youth and Environment in Tunisia

French Embassy in Tunisia Launches Call for Projects – Youth & Environment.

Committed to protecting the environment, are you carrying out an innovative project to change things? If yes, then this call for projects is made for you!

In partnership with the French Institute of Tunisia and the PISCCA program (Innovative Projects of Civil Societies and Coalitions of Actors), the French Embassy in Tunisia launches the call for projects for Youth & Environment.

This call for projects is intended for local Tunisian associations proposing a concrete, ambitious and realistic project on the theme of environmental protection.

Your project also presents results in terms of women’s emancipation, regional development and promotes job creation for young people, your application will be of particular interest to them!

Projects must be concrete, viable, realistic and sustainable. In addition, special attention will be paid:


  • Projects committed to the protection of coastal and maritime areas, a strong commitment from the French Embassy in Tunisia;
  • To projects providing for cooperation with a French structure and thus working to strengthen exchanges between the shores of the Mediterranean.Reminder: This call for projects is only intended for Tunisian associations registered in the Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic (JORT).

    Funding Information

    24 projects will be selected in the 24 Tunisian governorates over 2 years. The winning projects must be carried by young people from 18 to 25 years old and will be supported by average funding of 30,000 to 50,000 dinars.

    Selection Criteria


  • Your project works for the preservation of the environment and will have a real impact on its territory of establishment.
  • Your project is focused and is primarily aimed at young people aged 18 to 25.
  • Your project strengthens regional development, access to employment and brings about concrete change.
  • Your project works for gender equality.The relevance of the project as well as the measurable and quantifiable characteristics of the results will be the common thread of the selection.

    Apply by 30th July.


    For more information and application details, see; Call for Projects Grants for Youth and Environment in Tunisia

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