Call for Proposals for African Culture Funds and Grants

Call for Proposals for African Culture Funds and Grants

Call for Proposals for African Culture Funds and Grants

African Culture Fund has launched its call for proposals to support the professionalization of the cultural and creative sector of African countries through innovative artistic projects that it finances.

Focus Areas Lot 1 : Performing arts

The projects involved in this call are activities and projects of creation, production and dissemination of works and capacity building in the field of the performing arts. The current call concerns the following performing arts: music, dance and theater.

Lot 2 : Visual arts


  • The projects involved in this call are activities and projects of creation, production and dissemination of works and capacity building in the field of visual arts. 
  • This call concerns traditional visual arts, photography, digital art, decorative arts (textile art, design, marquetry…) as well as all pre-production, production, post-production, dissemination and distribution concerning the following cinematographic and audiovisual disciplines: 
  • Fiction / animation (short films, medium-length films, feature films or series);
  • Documentaries (unitary or series); 
  • Art videos.Funding Information

    For any request made in this call, the maximum budget is US $ 10,000. Projects must be completed for a period not exceeding 18 months.

    ACF does not grant mobility grants. However, travel expenses can be covered when they are part of the implementation of a project.

    Geographic Area

    This call covers all countries of the African continent.

    Eligibility Criteria


  • Be an African artist or cultural actor or from the African diaspora, an artistic or cultural organization or association established in Africa or cooperating on African projects with at least one African organization and having at least three years of experience;
  • Have a structure or be a member of an artistic or cultural organization or association;
  • Have a legal status (organizations);
  • Present a structuring project in response to the call for projects.
  • ACF does not accept applications submitted by: Members of the board of directors, their business partners or members of their family.
  • ACF staff, business partners or family members.
  • Members of the award committee for the current year.Evaluation Criteria


  • The committee evaluates the applications according to four (04) criteria:
  • The originality / innovation / creativity of the project or concept ;
  • The technical quality of the file;
  • The financial quality of the project;
  • The relevance / sustainability of the project or concept in relation to the African or regional context.Selection Criteria


  • Application selection procedure is in five (05) steps:
  • Registration and filing of files ;
  • Registration and filing of files ;
  • Administrative review of applications ;
  • Evaluation by the award committee (Jury) ;
  • Approval of the list of selected projects ;
  • Approval of allocation of funds.Applications are evaluated by an independent award committee composed of professionals working in the African cultural sector and knowing the artistic realities in the different African regions.

    How to Apply


  • Applications must be submitted in English or in French.
  • Applications must be submitted online through the given website.Apply by 12th October.


    For more information and application details, see; Call for Proposals for African Culture Funds and Grants

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