Call for Proposals for Family Farming Grants in the Sahel
Call for Proposals for Family Farming Grants in the Sahel
Grant to Support Family Farming, Regional Markets and Cross Border Trade Corridors (FARM-TRAC) in the Sahel.
Through this call for proposals, IFAD will contribute to promote an inclusive territorial development approach to generate sustainable economic and social growth, support job creation for women and youth, improved nutrition, and climate-resilient agricultural technologies in the West and Central Africa region, and in particular in countries in the Sahel.
Regional integration and cross-border trade linkages across the Sahel are instrumental in having functional and integrated value chains in the region.
It is estimated that the Sahel region roughly meets 2/3 of its needs in food through local production. Food loss is high due to lack of processing and difficulties to match production supply with market demands.
In addition, rural and market infrastructures are poor, and public policies, the business environment and investments are not supporting the private sector (from producers to transportation to traders until final consumers).
The overall goal is to develop at regional level a sustainable model of operational and policy stakeholders’ platforms supporting the development at regional level of a family farming model that optimizes economic and social opportunities of cross-border regional trade.
The two expected outcomes are the following:
- At operational/ground level(i.e. economic clusters/markets/trade corridors), a better knowledge and evidence-based understanding of the role of a sustainable and climate resilient family farming model able to diversify regional agricultural production while addressing better integration of markets and consumers’ needs;
- At policy and institutional level (i.e. UEMOA, AU, bilateral Commissions, etc.), a more efficient coordination, concertation and harmonisation of relevant institutions/organizations concerned by the development and management of agricultural markets and cross-border trade corridors generating and implementing more adequate sectoral strategies and policies reforms.Outcomes
The Grant will also contribute thanks to its direct linkages to the on-going and future IFAD’s large investment programs in the region to the following outcomes:
- Better value added (transformation/processing/trading) given to products by improving marketing and logistic of existing semi-wholesale markets and of regional cross-border trade corridors;
- Increase in volume and efficiency of traded products with reductions in transaction costs;
- Jobs and wealth creation for women and young people along the enhanced value chain (individual and SMEs, employment opportunities, increased income revenues, access to “business” services i.e. education, internet and mobile connectivity, finance services).Funding Information
This is a Call for Proposals to identify the recipient of a three-year grant financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for a total amount of up to US$ 3.5 Million.
Country/Countries (to be potentially covered): Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Chad, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal.
The institution selected should have the following professional and geographical experiences and knowledge:
- Development and management of analytical researches and investments on family agriculture, food and nutrition security, regional integration and cross-border cooperation, agricultural regional markets and value chains with a specific geographical experience in
- Western and Central Africa region (and more precisely in Sahelian countries/region);
- Experience on regional/sub-regional, cross-border trade corridors management and value chain issues, data analysis and collection, design and formulation of related policies and strategies;
- Partnerships and working experiences with pan African and regional economic institutions, i.e. African Union, NEPAD, and other important and relevant initiatives in West Africa and Sahel;
- Working knowledge of English and French and capacity to produce bilingual documentation and KM capacities to support adequate communication tools production and broad communication activities;
- Ability to co-finance the initiative.
- WCA region-based institutions or consortium of institutions/organizations with West Africa regional entities will be privileged.How to Apply
Eligible organizations are invited to submit proposals and confirm their participation at the address given on the website.
Apply by 16th September.
For more information and application details, see; Call for Proposals for Family Farming Grants in the Sahel