Call for Proposals for GEF Small Grants in Malaysia

Call for Proposals for GEF Small Grants in Malaysia

Call for Proposals for GEF Small Grants in Malaysia

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Malaysia is seeking qualified civil society organisations to put forward the Concept Proposal.

The purpose of the Concept Proposal is to assist interested applicants to use their time and effort more effectively, and also to ensure that they are on the right track from the very beginning. GEF SGP Malaysia encourages all applicants to initially submit to them a “Concept Proposal” of their proposed Full Project.

They are looking at ideas related to an immediate short-term response that can be implemented under the existing SGP grant projects in line with the SGP’s current strategy in light of COVID-19.

This is not an exhaustive list of potential measures, and we encourage the applicants to come up with innovative ideas in line with the SGP mandate and strategy:

Landscape and Seascape Management & Smart Agriculture Projects


  • Support income generation activities based on sustainable use of natural resources in line with the SGP strategic initiatives on threatened ecosystem management; sustainable agriculture and fisheries management, and others (food and other production, market supply chain and access, strengthening of cooperatives etc.);
  • Support small and medium entrepreneurship development and enhancement linked to the sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources, mainly focusing on vulnerable groups, such as women, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, at-risk youth (training, seed funding, including bio-enterprises, energy access for productive use, etc.);
  • Support and incentivise community agricultural production to improve food security (agroforestry, agrobiodiversity, urban gardens, agroecology, information dissemination on healthy eating, etc.);
  • Support conservation-related jobs and initiatives related to safeguarding key protected area conservation measures, including forest protection and provision of critical ecosystem services, particularly associated with preservation of water sources and water supply;
  • Promotion of indigenous crops and traditional practices to enhance sustainable land management and food security;
  • Support participation of local communities at local and national levels and help them provide inputs to post-crisis recovery policies and measures, predominantly related to environment and natural resources management;
  • Community-based wildlife management, including expanding work on curbing poaching and illegal wildlife trade (i.e. as the source/vector of zoonotic pathogens);
  • Support and build resilient and capacity for wildlife conservation, communitybased tourism and non-tourism income generation to face future shock such as natural disasters and pandemic.
  • Low Carbon Energy Co-benefits & Chemical and Waste Management Projects
  • Support and strengthen community health centres, systems and services, (including renewable energy access for health facilities, medical waste management, etc.)
  • Investment in renewable energy to promote community radio, mobile and internet technology in combination with energy access for education, information dissemination, market access and other purposes;
  • Supporting community crisis or emergency funds created from the revenues from bio-enterprises, cooperatives and other productive activities.Funding Information


  • The maximum grant amount for the budget will be limited to $50,000 with applicants required to provide rough budget estimation.Project Duration: 18 Months.

    Eligible Project Activities

    All project proposals submitted to SGP Secretariat need to demonstrate:


  • How the proposed project proposal meets the GEF SGP criteria by articulating how project objectives and activities would have an impact in the SGP areas of work -GEF focal areas (Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation, Chemical Reduction, Sustainable Forest
  • Management, International Water).
  • How the proposed project proposal responds or are aligned to the targets and objectives of the SGP Malaysia Country Programme Strategy (CPS).
  • Demonstrate strong community involvement in the proposed project.
  • Focus on environmental issues and livelihood improvement.
  • In addition to the above, given the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic happening worldwide, they are now facing unprecedented health, economic and social challenges in recent times.
  • While the work of the GEF Small Grants Programme is focused on addressing long term environmental challenges and fostering community resilience, SGP will also address relevant recovery efforts in line with the SGP Strategic Initiatives.Eligibility Criteria


  • Locally registered Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). GEF SGP Malaysia grants are available ONLY for not-for-profit NGOs/CBOs/CSOs, etc.Applicants who fail to provide a copy of certificate of registration will not be considered for full proposal development.
  • Local registered bank account of the organisation.
  • The organisation must have a strong organisational capacity to implement SGP grant projects and meet SGP requirements.Apply by 15th June.


    For more information and application details, see; Call for Proposals for GEF Small Grants in Malaysia

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