Call for Proposals on Violence Against Women Data in Arab States

Call for Proposals on Violence Against Women Data in Arab States

Call for Proposals on Violence Against Women Data in Arab States

UN Women announces Call for Proposals on “Violence Against Women (VAW) Data” in Arab States.

The UN Women-WHO Joint Programme on VAW Data seeks to partner with an institution or consortium of institutions in the Arab States region to develop and implement the regional capacity development initiative on VAW data, with an aim at enhancing expertise and capacity of national stakeholders in the region on the measurement of VAW in alignment with globally agreed standards and principles.

In response to calls for the enhancement of the collection and use of data on VAW, UN Women and WHO joined forces to deliver a Global Program on Strengthening Methodologies and Measurement and Building National Capacities for VAW Data, funded by the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom (DFID).

The goal of the Joint Program is to ensure quality comparable data on different forms of VAW are available and collected over time to address national data gaps, and use data to inform policy and programs to end VAW, as committed under the SDGs, CEDAW, and the Beijing Platform for Action.

To support the achievement of the goal, there are three expected outcomes:


  • Measurement and methodologies for VAW data collection and use are strengthened and disseminated, including for national, regional and global monitoring and reporting requirements for SDG target indicators;
  • Capacity of national institutions to collect VAW data in line with globally agreed standards is increased;
  • National data on VAW are collected, made accessible and used for advocacy, policy and programming to end violence against women and girls.
  • To strengthen the capacity of an institution or consortium of institutions in the Arab States region to contribute to enhanced expertise and capacities at national level in that region on the measurement of VAW in alignment with globally agreed standards and principles.Funding Information

    The budget range for this proposal should be USD120,000 – USD200,000.

    Timeframe: Start date and end date for completion of required services/results

    2020: Development of the training curriculum in Arabic and English.

    2021: Pilot training, and finalization of the training curriculum

    Description of required services/results

    The partner institution or consortium of institutions will, with UN Women and WHO’s support:


  • Participate in the kick-off meeting to discuss the expected objective of the regional capacity development program in detail, as well as to develop an agreed upon work plan and work-approach with timelines to implement the program.
  • Conduct a mapping of existing needs, capacities and tools particularly in the region to identify capacity needed to reach the VAW measurement capacity development objectives.The exercise is an analysis of desired capacities against existing capacities which generates an understanding of capacity assets and needs that can serve as input for formulating the capacity development response.
  • Regionalize a training curriculum based on those previously developed by WHO, UNFPA, and other organizations on measuring VAW using survey methodologies and standards that are internationally accepted best practices and that allow to report on globally agreed VAW indicators.The curriculum will be in Arabic and English.
  • Deliver a pilot training using this curriculum and revise the curriculum based on lessons learned from the pilot training, and inputs from participants and members of the Technical Advisory Group.It should be noted that the selected institution will be expected to organize the pilot training, and arrange relevant logistics including travels and accommodation for course participants, with funding from the Joint Program.
  • Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework to measure capacity shift pre and post training.
  • Identify opportunities to link this regional VAW measurement capacity development initiative with other related initiatives to build momentum of generating high-quality and reliable data on VAW to amplify the voices of women.
  • Recommend measures and take action towards ensuring the sustainability and institutionalization of the training curriculum for the Arab States region.
  • Exchange lessons learnt and experience with similar regional capacity development initiative in the East and Southern Africa region.
  • Foster a community/network of VAW researchers in the Arab States region to support VAW survey initiatives.There needs to be mechanisms to ensure continuation of knowledge and experience exchange within the region, and cross region.



  • Mapping of needs, capacities and resources to assess existing national capacities in order to inform the design of a training program on VAW data measurement in the region, and preliminary capacity assessment results prior to inform the pilot training.
  • A regionally adapted training curriculum in Arabic and English on measuring VAW using survey methodologies and standards that are internationally accepted best practices, and that allow to report on globally agreed VAW indicators, incorporating feedback and inputs from the pilot test and the members of Technical Advisory Group.
  • A trainer’s manual to guide the facilitators on the delivery of the training curriculum.
  • Validated instruments to measure knowledge and skill shift pre and post training or capacity building activities.
  • A pilot training using the curriculum to test the curriculum.
  • Identify and recommend potential government, inter-governmental and independent research and statistics institutions for collaboration, south-south learning and advocacy on VAW data. Plan to integrate the training curriculum on VAW measurement into the organization’s regular training plan/program.Specifications for the training curriculum

    The in-person training program should be between 1 and 3 weeks. Contents should include:


  • Basic gender and power concepts and definitions
  • VAW types, concepts and definitions
  • Introduction to VAW data
  • Survey planning, budgeting, and objective setting
  • Questionnaire design, adaptation, and testing
  • Ethics and safety measures
  • Sampling
  • Selection and training of interviewers
  • Data collection and processing
  • Data analysis
  • Dissemination and use of data
  • Coordination and partnerships
  • Data use and data literacyTargeted audience of the training


  • Technical staff from National Statistics Offices
  • Staff members of National Women’s Machineries with a basic understanding of data and research
  • Researchers and/or students from academic institutes who have a basic understanding of gender-based violence
  • Members of civil society organizations and other institutions that will be involved in VAW surveysCompetencies

    Technical/functional competencies required:


  • Experience and technical expertise in the areas of data collection and analysis, preferably on gender-related issues, sexual and reproductive health, violence against women, or public health;This includes sound knowledge of quantitative research methods, preferably on VAW prevalence studies and all phases of research including planning, design, data collection, statistical analysis, interpretation, report writing and dissemination, as well as very good understanding of ethical and safety principles and requirements throughout all these the phases;
  • Experience in conducting participatory, multi-stakeholder training on VAW data collection and analysis;
  • Knowledge and understanding of safety and ethical measures in research studies;
  • Experience in developing training curriculum and conducting training based on adult-learning and experiential-learning approaches;
  • Experience and expertise in the Arab States region; Institution should be based in the region;
  • Existing organizational plan and institutional capacity (including human resources and funding) to integrate the training curriculum on VAW measurement into the organization’s regular training and activities to ensure sustainability.
  • Other competencies, which while not required, can be an asset for the performance of services:
  • Existing partnerships with regional and national institutions (government, civil society, and/or academic) working on VAW data production, analysis and use;
  • Commitment to provide technical support and/or form partnerships with other organizations in the region to nurture capacity development on VAW data measurement.Proposals will be reviewed under the following overarching criteria:


  • The proposal is compliant with the call for proposal’s requirement to ensure an even playing field among the competing partners.
  • The organization mandate is relevant to the work to be undertaken in the TOR.
  • The proposal demonstrates a sound understanding of the requirements of the TOR and indicates that the organization has the prerequisite capacity to undertake the work successfully.Apply by 20th May.


    For more information and application details, see; Call for Proposals on Violence Against Women Data in Arab States

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