Call for Proposals to Boost Blue Economy in Sri Lanka
Call for Proposals to Boost Blue Economy in Sri Lanka
The French Agency for Development (Agence Française de Développement – AFD) is willing to finance a Civil Society Organisations (CSO), preferably in partnership with other international/local Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) and/or Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and/or Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), to enhance the quality of the coastal environment and to contribute in developing the Sri Lankan Blue Economy potential.
The main objective of the Boosting the Potential of the Blue Economy:
Conservation of the Sri Lankan Shoreline, Beaches and Waves project is to contribute to the preservation of the coastal biodiversity and natural heritage and to preserve and encourage economic opportunities.
Through this call for proposals, AFD expects proposals for a disruptive project. The project objective is to enhance the quality of the coastal environment and to preserve and boost the potential of the Blue Economy in Sri Lanka.
This call for proposal is the opportunity for AFD and NGOs to think about effective and attractive ways to sensitize people about marine ecosystem, coastal natural heritage, everyone’s responsibility for their conservation and ecofriendly actions that everyone could undertake.
Expected Results
These expected results are indicative. Candidates are allowed to adapt their proposals and to suggest other results and associated activities.
The activities carried out and the infrastructures implemented shall not alter the aesthetic of the shoreline.
It should reinforce social link and respects the environment.
The candidates are encouraged to be innovative.
The project expected results are:
Environmental education, awareness and advocacy:
- Relevant stakeholders, tourists and children, men and women, are sensitized on climate change, marine biodiversity and protection of the coastal environment;
- Environmental friendly touristic practices are encouraged, and awareness is raised on the limits to snorkeling, diving, whale watching, etc.;
- Job opportunities are developed (for both men and women);
- Specific areas are identified as potential protected areas.Cleanness, accessibility and safety on the shoreline:
- The project areas (of which beaches and seas but not only) have visible bins, waste collection service is ensured and control of the pollution and quality of the seas is encouraged;
- The project areas are accessible to everyone and safe: little infrastructures can be implemented like street lights, sidewalks and encouraging soft mobility;
- Awareness is raised on sexual harassment; Infrastructures and services like help and rescue centers with rescue materials can be implemented in pilot areas, and lifeguards trained, including women.Solid waste:
- Major sources of solid waste are identified (especially plastic), and some pilot initiatives are proposed to reduce solid waste and improve waste collection;
- Stakeholders, tourists and children are sensitized on solid waste reusal and upcycling;
- Small local business in the field of waste reuse and recycling are empowered.Coordination and communication:
- Coordination and communication should be disruptive, include a wide range of stakeholders and be a mean to strengthen social links on the topic of environment and natural resources protection, solid waste reduction and safety.Thematic Scope
The project proposals should target coastal areas, and the most touristic ones in priority; the project developed could be adapted for replication to other relevant places.
It may build on existing initiatives or start new ones.
The NGOs are encouraged to develop proposals that focus on a wide scope of themes such as the sea and the marine environment, coastal fauna and flora, waste management, waste reusal/recycling/upcycling/safe deposit and ecological behaviour on beaches, sustainable development of coastal areas, small facilities’ improvement for more cleanness and safety, etc., which will ultimately contribute in protecting the coastline environment and boost its economic potential.
Outcomes of activities implemented could be formalized by obtaining some type of label or certification that reward the participation to environmental conservation, conveying a positive image of beaches (cleanness, safety, accessibility) to the population and tourists, thus encouraging a general behavioural change towards more ecofriendly attitudes.
The project should be consistent with other initiatives and/or strategies addressed in the same field of intervention.
The project proposal should cover at least the three following dimensions:
Raising awareness on the anthropic impacts –marine and terrestrial- on the shoreline biodiversity and coastal heritage, on climate change issues, and on the role of ecofriendly behaviours, with a special focus on marine pollution by solid waste and wastewater, and best tourism practices (informing on the whales watching ecological risks for instance);
Promoting cleanness, accessibility and safety on beaches, in order to encourage local authorities and public and private actors who are interested in developing infrastructures and services that will foster both their territories attractiveness and the sustainable management of coastal areas;
Providing small investments that aim to develop the coastline while preserving the environment and natural heritage, including pilot projects (such as solid waste management on beaches) in partnership with local associations and other private actors.
The awareness-raising activities will aim at informing the general public as well as private institutions and actors about the effects of climate change on the coast and ways to mitigate them.
The project must, over the implementation period, lead to concrete results. A diagnosis of the existing environmental situation/damages and a needs assessment should be done at the inception of the assignment.
The project Boosting the Potential of the Blue Economy:
Conservation of the Sri Lankan Shoreline, Beaches and Waves is also part of the French national strategy for the sea and the coast, which objectives are:
The ecological transition for the sea and the coastline;
Development of the sustainable blue economy;
The good ecological status of the marine environment and the preservation of an attractive coastline;
Funding Information
AFD has earmarked a maximum of EUR 3 million to fund one single project, with a duration of minimum 36 months and maximum of 60 months.
Geographical Scope
Activities in the project must be carried out in Sri Lanka.
Due to the economic role of the entire Sri Lankan coastline and the tourist attractiveness of most of the beaches, the project will have the greatest possible influence in the country.
It is strongly recommended to include the following areas in priority in the scope of the project:
- North: Jaffna,
- East: Batticaloa and Arugam Bay (an internationally known surf spot),
- South: Tangalle, Dickwella-Hiriketiya,
- Southwest: Galle-Unawatuna and Hikaduwa,
- West: Bentota, Colombo (and in particular the Galle Face Green), Negombo (touristic due to its proximity to the international airport) and Kalpitiya (a significant kitesurf spot). The project aims at having the widest influence and impact.Therefore, the NGOs are encouraged to spread and adapt their activities to other coastal areas they deem relevant –may they be highly touristic or not at all- and to focus not only on beaches but on the entire shoreline (including close urban areas).
NGOs are strongly encouraged to seek partnerships with stakeholders elsewhere in the Indian Ocean region and especially in Reunion Islands. AFD particularly wishes the consortium to comprise a partner from the Reunion Island, as part of France’s strategy to promote partnerships between French overseas territories and countries sharing the same sea basin (otherwise, the offer should justify why it is not possible).
Target Group
Target groups will be residents and economic actors depending on or benefiting from the shoreline environment.
Direct beneficiaries will be:
- Private actors of the blue economy in Sri Lanka, such as the fishing and the tourism industries (hotels, restaurants, consumers, shops, water sports clubs, etc.);
- Local authorities and their services ;
- Residents and visitors (regardless of the generation and gender).
- The proposal is expected to define precisely the proposed methodology to reach out to the different target groups (outreach strategy, partnerships with relevant organizations in the field, selection criteria) and to encourage social link.
- Proposals should detail the methodology to assess the impact of the action on women (with specific indicators) and on the strengthening of social link. Apply by 18th July.
For more information and application details, see; Call for Proposals to Boost Blue Economy in Sri Lanka