Call for Small Grant Proposals for Kenya
Call for Small Grant Proposals for Kenya
The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Nairobi has announced the 2019 call for small grant proposals in the Republic of Kenya.
This aid modality of the Slovak Official Development Assistance is funded from SlovakAid and is aimed directly at small-scale projects which represent a more flexible, operative and effective financial support for developing countries.
Sector Priorities
- The submitted projects must be related to sectors of healthcare, education, food security and agriculture; and sustainable management of natural resources.
- The proposals must be in accordance with the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Development Cooperation for 2019– 2023. Project proposals which are not in line with the focus of this call for proposals will not be accepted.Funding Information
- The maximum amount of the non-repayable financial contribution is maximum 10,000 EUR per project.
- A maximum number of the selected projects is limited by the budget allocated for this call for proposals that is 90,000 EUR.Project Duration
The duration of each project is from 6 to a maximum of 12 months beginning from the date of the signing of the Agreement between the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation and the Final Beneficiary.
Eligible Applicants
The call for proposals is open to registered legal persons: NGOs, non-profit subjects and local authorities.
How to Apply
The project proposals should be sent in hard copy to the Embassy of the Slovak Republic at the address given on the website.
Eligible Country: Kenya
Deadline: 25 April 2019
For more information and application details, see; Call for Small Grant Proposals for Kenya