Call for Proposals in Good Governance & Human Rights

Call for Proposals in Good Governance & Human Rights

Call for Proposals in Good Governance & Human Rights: The French Embassy in Zimbabwe has issued its call for proposals for NGOs to submit funding requests for projects to be implemented in the country.

Projects in the areas of good governance, defending human rights and protecting vulnerable populations can be proposed for funding support to the French Embassy under this call for proposals.

The requested budget should not amount more than 40.000 US$. A particular attention will be drawn to:


  • The quality of the proposal and coherence with the suggested thematic area.
  • The organization’s capacity to implementing the project.
  • The project relevance according to the needs of beneficiaries (needs assessment and project methodology).
  • The participation and coordination of all stakeholders in the design and the implementation of the project.
  • The degree of innovation of the project.