Catholic Theological Union Scholarships

Catholic Theological Union Scholarships

Catholic Theological Union Scholarships: Catholic Theological Union has established a variety of Scholarship Programs, each designed with specific ministry opportunities in mind.

In addition to the General Scholarship fund, the Tolton Scholars Program, Romero Scholars Program, and Bernardin Scholars Program aid qualifying students who intend to pursue the particular ministry and formation goals of the respective programs.

The General Scholarship Fund

Lay men and women and women religious are eligible for awards from the General Scholarship Fund.

Tuition remission awards are available for up to 40 percent for lay women and men and up to 20 percent for women religious.

These memorial scholarships are available within the General Scholarship Fund:

  • Scholarship Application
  • Application
  • Job Opportunities
  • Free Scholarship
  • Admission


  • McAuley Scholarship Fund – benefits women studying for ministry
  • Stuhlmueller Scholarship Fund – benefits biblical spirituality students (international women students receive first consideration)
  • Geaney Scholarship Fund – benefits lay students of ministry
  • International Women’s Scholarship Fund – benefits women from Third World countries seeking credentials for Catholic ministry in their countries.
    For more information or to receive an application, contact the Director of Admissions and Recruitment: Kathy Van Duser, Phone: 773.371-5450. Fax: 773.371.5452. Email:admissions [at] ctu.eduFor more information and application, see: Catholic Theological Union Scholarships

List of International Scholarships