Church of Uganda Vocational Training Institute Soroti

Church of Uganda Vocational Training Institute Soroti


  1. Vocational Training Institute (VTI) Soroti was founded by Church of Uganda Soroti Diocese in the year 1989.
  2. The Education Department in Bishop’s office initiated the idea after a sudden collapse of economy in Teso caused by insurgency and Rebel Activities and raiding by the Karamojong cattle rustlers.
  3. This left the majority of Youth in Teso Region, unable to continue with education and without a bright future.
name of the institute Church of Uganda Vocational Training School, Soroti
training provider type private
district of this institute Soroti
adress of this institute Church of Uganda Vocational Training Institute,
P. O. Box 107,
phone number 0772516280 or 0782697158
fax number

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