Computing And Informatics PhD Scholarship

Computing And Informatics PhD Scholarship

PhD Research Studentship

3D X-ray imaging

School Of Computing And Informatics

Imaging Group

Nottingham Trent University – UK

The Imaging Group at the Nottingham Trent University is working closely with, and funded by, the UK Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) and the USA Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop X-ray imaging techniques for security screening applications.

The PhD programme will exploit an innovation concerning the detection of characteristically scattered X-rays to produce 3D imagery with unprecedented specificity.

The successful candidate will have a good UK Honours degree (or equivalent) in a computing/ physics/ engineering subject with strong programming skills and a good understanding of image processing, together with the ability to communicate fluently in English.

The successful candidate will be expected to publish his/her research findings in high quality scientific journals.

Suitably qualified international candidates are welcome to apply but, if awarded the studentship, would be expected to pay the difference between Home/EU fees and International fees.

The minimum English language proficiency requirement is IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 560/CBTOEFL 220 for candidates who have not undertaken a Higher degree in the UK.

The successful candidate will be expected to register for a research degree (MPhil/PhD) within 6 months.

The studentship will offer a maintenance stipend of £12,000 per year for three years and Home/EU student fees.

Application forms are available from the Research and Graduate Studies Office, (Science and Technology), address below, or email: sat.research[at]

Applications by CV only will not be considered.

The closing date for applications will be 30th October. Please address informal enquiries to Dr Paul Evans: paul.evans [at], +44 (0)115 848 8342. Candidates must send a completed application form, their curriculum vitae, copies of their academic certificates, and a covering letter stating why they are applying for the post and how they meet the essential qualifications (mentioned above) to: Mrs D Corlett, Research & Graduate Studies Office, Erasmus Darwin Building, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Lane, Nottingham, NG11 8NS. E-mail to: sat.research[at] For more information and scholarship applications, see: Scholarships and Grants.

List of International Scholarships