Consultancy – Baseline UK AidDirect Project Jobs – Farm Africa

Consultancy – Baseline UK AidDirect Project Jobs – Farm Africa

Job Title:           Consultancy (Baseline Evaluation of Livestock for Livelihoods (UK AidDirect) Project)

Organization: Farm Africa

Funding Source: UK AidDirect

Duty Station: Uganda

Reports to: Project Coordinator

About US:

Farm Africa is an international non-governmental organization working to end hunger and bring prosperity to rural Africa. We work to increase the incomes and improve food security of smallholder farmers, pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, and forest dwellers in East Africa. A core part of our strategy is to ensure that our interventions are both economically sustainable and scalable. The systematic integration of market linkages in implementing programmes is crucial to our ability to scale our interventions cost-effectively.

Terms of Reference for Baseline Evaluation of Livestock for Livelihoods (UK AidDirect) Project

List of Acronyms Used:

  • CAHW – Community Animal Health Worker
  • FGD – Focus Group Discussion
  • HH – Household
  • KAP – Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  • L4L – Livestock for Livelihoods
  • LLF – Linear Log Frame
  • MLP – Monitoring and Learning Plan
  • RPSM – Regional Programme Support Manager
  • OCAT – Organisational Capacity Assessment Tool
  • VSLA – Village Saving and Loan Associations

About the Project:

Pastoralists in Karamoja (Uganda) and South Omo (Ethiopia) experience poverty, poor access to services and social marginalisation. Pastoralist women in South Omo and Karamoja are affected by a ‘double-marginalisation’ of social exclusion and low status. Women’s lack of control over productive assets contributes to severe malnutrition. However emerging market economies are stimulating livelihood diversification and trade, presenting opportunities to address poverty and malnutrition through women’s economic empowerment. Women play a key role in managing small livestock in pastoralist systems.

Goats provide an essential source of disposable income, particularly during dry seasons because of their adaptable feeding habits. Goats also provide a source of protein and nutrients and an asset for investment in household nutrition. However the following challenges exist to production and women’s ability to translate productivity into economic and nutritional gains:

1)      Vulnerable production systems due to changing climate, land use change and a lack of pastoralist knowledge leading to livestock losses.

2)     Weak livestock services due to inadequate technical knowledge and integration of CAHWs

3)     Women’s lack of control of assets and influence in decision making with respect to livestock assets.

4)     Poor household nutrition practices due to a lack of knowledge

Livestock for Livelihoods (L4L), funded by UK Aid Directadds value to past and present programmes in the two countriesthat have focused onincreased community assets and government capacity to improve resilience.L4L will address the need of marginal communities affected by vulnerable production systems, weak livestock service provision, women’s low economic status and underlying causes of malnutrition through four principal strategies:

1)      Strengthened resilient pastoralist systems – L4L will promote improved livestock husbandry, livestock asset building and fodder management embedded within local NRM institutions.

2)     Building market systems for livestock services – Private veterinary service networks, livestock extension and veterinary drug/improved species supply with an extensive reach beyond target Women’s Livestock Group members will be established.

3)     Women’s economic empowerment – Enterprise development and enhanced market linkage, based on local value chain analysis, will support women’s ability to secure economic benefits from livestock.

4)     Improved nutrition through behavioural change – Improved knowledge and practices relating to household nutrition will be leveraged from women’s enhanced status in household decision-making.

The project seeks to reduce poverty and increase women’s economic empowerment among 15,000 households by addressing the underlying causes of malnutrition among children under 5 years and adolescent girls and women of reproductive age, through increased livestock productivity, livestock marketing and behavioural change. To achieve this, the project has the four following objectives against which the project success will be judged:

1)      Increased productivity of small livestock

2)     Increased access to and quality of livestock services and inputs

3)     Increased economic empowerment of women

4)     Improved dietary diversity of women and children

  1. Baseline Objectives:

This baseline survey is being commissioned in order to provide a detailed assessment of the situation in the project implementation areas. A robust baseline study will provide the project with the ability to define the values for the baseline indicators, set outcome and output targets, inform beneficiary selection, and propose any changes to the project design before project activities are initiated based on evidence-based recommendations. The baseline survey will form the basis for the final evaluation and therefore needs to consider the requirements of the final evaluation, in particular DFIDs AID Direct reporting requirements.

The sample population for this study will be livestock pastoralists in the project counties/districts. This baseline study will help establish the baseline values for the following impact, outcome and output indicators:

Goal: Poverty and malnutrition reduced in Ethiopia and Uganda among women contributing to SDG 1 and SDG 2

  • Number of women living in extreme poverty in targeted areas contributing to SDG1
  • Number of women having access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round in the target areas contributing to SDG2 – Household Dietary Diversity Index (HDDI)

Impact: Increased income & reduced malnutrition among women and children and increased access to livestock services for 21,000 households

  • Average income of women livestock herders secured from livestock
  • Average Household Dietary Diversity Index (HDDI)

Objective 1: 10,000 women livestock herders in pastoralist communities increase production of goats and goat products

  • Outcome Indicators:
    • Annual change in average goat herd size of HHs (disaggregated by MHH/FHH)
    • Annual change in average goat milk production among women livestock herders (lts)(disaggregated by MHH/FHH)
    • Areas under improved fodder management (ha)

Objective 2: 11,000 pastoralists and agro-pastoralist access improved livestock and breeding services and veterinary drug supply

  • Outcome Indicators:
    • Number of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists accessing private veterinary services annually (disaggregated by gender)
    • Number of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists accessing breeding services annually (disaggregated by gender)
    • Average service user satisfaction balance scorecard score (disaggregated by gender)

Objective 3: 15,000 women in pastoralist communities have improved opportunities for livestock sale, income generation and values addition

  • Outcome Indicators:
    • Women’s economic empowerment score
    • Average size of VSLA loans

Objective 4: 10,000 households in pastoralist communities with improved dietary diversity

  • Outcome Indicators:
    • Average dietary diversity of Women (HDDI)
    • Average dietary diversity of children (HDDI)
    • Number of women adopting improved feeding practices

Farm Africa will use the baseline review to refine the project design. To enable this, demographic data for the project implementation area will be disaggregated at a minimum by demographic categories (in particular gender), and location. The study should seek to produce data that is representative of the target population to enable both a deep understanding of the current situation in the project implementation area, and to subsequently be able to measure the impact of the project on the implementation area at project close, and monitor project progress throughout the duration of the project.

  1. Approach and Methodology

The project implements a routine monitoring system based on a Linear Log Frame (LLF) approach and corresponding monitoring and learning plan (MLP) to collect data against key outcome indicators.

The lead consultant is expected to develop the overall approach and methodology for the multi-country baseline. An associate consultant will be hired in Ethiopia to assist with adjustments to the local context and to conduct the exercise in Ethiopia.

The consultant is expected to employ a mixed-methods approach, using a variety of data collection and analysis techniques for both quantitative and qualitative data to ensure a comprehensive evaluation exercise. The majority of data collection tools will be provided by Farm Africa to ensure that they align with Farm Africa standards. This will include, at a minimum:

  • Document and systems review:Review of existing documentation, including:project proposal; findings from FGDs; gender analysis and SWOT analysis of livestock services conducted as part of the project design process
  • Household survey: Household structured survey questionnaires with a representative, random sample of targetpopulation, to assess household income (Farm Africa tool provided), dietary diversity (Farm Africa tool provided), and other indicators
  • Women’s Economic Empowerment Survey: A subset of the household survey respondents should also complete this survey (Farm Africa tool provided)
  • Nutrition Practices Survey: A subset of the household survey respondents should also complete this survey (Farm Africa tool provided)
  • Key Informant Interviews: Consultations with key project stakeholders, including field staff and partners. Guidance on appropriate stakeholders will be provided by field and Country Office staff.

The methodology should state for the various data collection techniques how it will handle the multi-country nature of this project. The final evaluation will need to estimate the aggregate impact of the project and therefore, the baseline study will need to standardise both the data collection tools and data collected to enable this. The methodology should also state how it will handle the different situational and cultural contexts found in Karamoja and South Omo. The methodology should disaggregate the data by location and gender as appropriate, and build gender analysis into the study. The baseline study should also assess contextual factors which may affect both the baseline indicators and project results and approach.

  1. Expected Deliverables and Timeline:

All written documentation is to be submitted in English using Microsoft Word in soft copy. The main body of all reports should be written in simple, non-technical language, with any technical material to be presented in annexes. All primary data collected and analysis conducted for the purpose of the study will remain the property of Farm Africa and must be submitted electronically and in a clear and comprehensible format in Excel; further detail below.

The study should begin on Monday 9th April with the evaluator(s) expected to take a total of 50 working days from the day of contracting to complete the assignment.

The consultant will provide the following deliverables to the baseline manager within the timeframe stated:

  1. Inception Report: within 5 working days of contract start date, a detailed report on the consultants proposed approach to the study will be submitted for approval. This will provide a detailed description of the methodology and tools, research questions, expected outputs, budget with a breakdown of costs and detailed work plan for the entire exercise. Any draft data collection tools will also be submitted for review at this stage.
  2. Revised Inception report: within 15 working days of contract start date incorporating revisions and recommendations from Farm Africa.
  3. Preliminary Report and Presentation: within 40 working days of contract start date, the consultant will present the preliminary findings for discussion at a stakeholders’ workshop. This will constitute two separate workshops, one in Ethiopia, one in Uganda, each led by one consultant. At the end of the workshop, a report incorporating comments by stakeholders and, where necessary, responses will be submitted to the baseline manager.
  4. Final Report: within 50 working days of contract start date, a detailed report of the overall findings of the baseline study will be submitted for approval. This report should incorporate specific, practical and feasible recommendations for improving project delivery and impact based on learning from project design, implementation and delivery. The main body of the report will contain an Executive Summary of no more than 3 pages including a table of indicators, outline and rationale for methodology, the main findings and analysis, and any subsequent project design and measurement recommendations. Any data collection tools and sampling frames used should be included as Annexes.
  5. A copy of the raw data, (every single survey response to every question) and clearly labelled, without calculations or amendments, preferably in excel. A copy of the ‘cleaned’ data and all workings used in analyses, again, preferably in excel. Other software use is acceptable, however clear workings must be supplied; please confirm with Farm Africa prior to contract signature the format you intend to supply the data in. =
  1. Management and Implementation Responsibilities

The lead consultant will report directly to the baseline manager, Farm Africa Regional Programme Support Manager (RPSM). However, s/he will also be expected work closely with the Ethiopia Country Director and Uganda Country Representative. Any proposed changes to the personnel listed in the application must be approved by Farm Africa.

Farm Africa will provide:

  • Guidance and technical support as required throughout the baseline study;
  • Copies of all key background resources identified;
  • Introductory meetings with key government staff;
  • Organisation (including logistics costs) of stakeholders workshops
  • Comments and feedback on, and approval of, all deliverables within agreed timeline.

In addition, Farm Africa will recruit the associate consultant, based in Ethiopia and in charge of the implementation of the data collection and analysis in Ethiopia.

The lead consultant will be responsible for:

  • Developing the detailed methodology for the multi-country baseline;
  • Conducting all data collection, including recruitment, training and payment of enumerators as well as all field logistics involved in Uganda[1];
  • Overseeing the adaptation of the methodology in Ethiopia, as well as the data collection and analysis, by providing regular feedback and guidance to the associate consultant in Ethiopia and ensure the overall consistency and coherence of the baseline as a whole;
  • Analysis of data and reporting on the combined analysis (Ethiopia and Uganda) in a clear and accessible format;
  • Regular progress reporting to the baseline manager, including responding to any comments or technical inputs wherever reasonable;
  • Presenting preliminary findings at stakeholders workshop in Uganda;
  • Production of deliverables within agreed timeline and in accordance with quality requirements of evaluation manager;
  • Seeking comments and feedback from Farm Africa, through the evaluation manager, in sufficient time to discuss and incorporate these into the final report;
  • Production of the final evaluation report containing data against all indicators in the project logframe for both countries, evidence-based responses to the key evaluation questions, summary of lessons learnt and recommendations for future implementation of both project and evaluation in both countries;
  • Their own work permit or visa (if required) to conduct the work;
  • Obtaining the relevant permissions for conducting the research.
  1. Farm Africa Evaluation Principles

Farm Africa follows five basic principles of sound evaluation practice and the consultant is expected to adhere to these throughout the evaluation process. These are:

  1. Confidentiality and informed consent – all data collected during the evaluation will be treated as confidential and cannot be shared outside of Farm Africa. All respondents must be advised as such and always given the opportunity not to participate, or to terminate or pause the interview at any time. The purpose of the study should also be clearly explained before commencing any interviews.
  2. Independence and impartiality – Farm Africa is committed to impartial and objective evaluation of our projects. All evaluation findings and conclusions must be grounded in evidence. Researchers are expected to design data collection tools and systems that mitigate as far as possible against potential sources of bias.
  3. Credibility – Farm Africa is committed to learning based on credible evidence. The credibility of evaluations depends on the professional expertise and independence of evaluators and full transparency in the methods and process followed. Evaluations should clearly distinguish between findings and recommendations, with the former clearly supported by sound evidence. Methodologies should be explained in sufficient detail to allow replication, and evidence of failures should be reported as well as of successes.
  4. Participation – the views and experiences of beneficiary households, groups and partners should form an integral part of all evaluations.
  5. Openness – To maximise the learning potential of the evaluation process, Farm Africa may publish full evaluation reports or excerpts from them or may otherwise share them with interested parties.
  1. Qualifications and Required Competencies:

We are looking for a lead consultant to manage the baseline study to be based in Uganda for the duration of the baseline study, and an associate consultant based in Ethiopia. This advert is solely for the lead consultant role, to be based in Uganda, and for implementation costs in Uganda only. The role of associate consultant in Ethiopia will be advertise locally, on the English version of the Reporter newspaper; any firm or team of consultants with fitting profiles for both roles is encouraged to apply to both positions and can reference the complementary person they are applying with as the team. Applications from consultancies will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate the following qualifications and competencies:


  • Extensive experience in carrying out baseline studies, with a focus on livelihoods-related interventions
  • Demonstrable academic and practical experience in qualitative and quantitative research methodology
  • Strong analytical, facilitation and communication skills
  • Excellent reporting and presentation skills
  • Fluency in spoken and written English
  • A Master’s degree in Agriculture, Animal Science, Gender Studies, Sustainable Development, Economics or related subject
  • Experience conducting baseline studies or evaluations for multi-country projects
  • Experience conducting studies in Uganda
  • Right to work in Uganda
  • Experience securing research approvals in Uganda


  • Candidates with demonstrable academic and practical experience in Animal Science (Livestock), and gender will be preferred
  • Academic and practical experience in nutrition
  • Previous knowledge of conducting the surveys outlined in the methodology
  • Fluency in Karamojong
  • Experience conducting data analysis in Microsoft Excel
  • Experience in Ethiopia

Where applicants fail to meet any of the above criteria, for example, fluency in Karamojong or experience in livestock, gender or nutrition, the proposal should state how they expect to overcome this e.g. additional team members, translation services etc.

How to Apply (Submission of Proposals):

The consultants or firms are invited to bid for either one of the following package:

  1. Consultancy + all logistical arrangements for the data collection in Uganda
  2. Consultancy without logistical arrangements for the data collection

Please note that even when the logistical arrangements are not included, we still expect the consultant to plan for the selection and training of the enumerators.

Interested evaluators or firms are requested to submit:

  1. A covering letter detailing how the consultancy team meets the required qualifications and competencies
  2. A full technical proposal detailing their interpretation of the TOR including report structure, proposed methodology, including sampling for the above data collection methods, indicator definitions and mapping, work schedule, team member responsibilities
  3. Copies of all relevant Curriculum Vitae (CVs). Only CVs for the specific individuals that will form the proposed evaluation team should be included;
  4. A sample of a baseline or evaluation report for a similar project completed within the last 24 months (this will be treated as confidential and only used for the purposes of quality assurance);
  5. Contact details for two references (including one from your last client/employer).
  6. A full financial proposal, providing a detailed budget breakdown for the baseline study
  7. Licences

All documents must be submitted by email to our ‘sealed’ email address by Friday 17th March, 2018 by midnight GMT. The email subject line should clearly indicate ‘Bid for the Livestock for Livelihood Baseline Consultancy’, followed by the package that the applicant is bidding for (A or B).Failure to include any of the above documents will result in disqualification from the selection process. The selection procedure will be a two-stage process.

  1. The technical score will be assessed against the following criteria:
  2. Technical Proposal
  3.             Understanding of the TOR, including project scope and expected scope of the baseline evaluation – 15%
  4.             Methodology and sampling approach – 40%
  5.             Indicator definitions and mapping of indicators to data collection tools – 15%
  6.             HH survey methodology and sampling – 15%

                                                                   III.            Other data collection tools methodology and sampling – 10%

  1. Comprehensive workplan and outline of consultant responsibilities – 15%
  2. Qualifications of the consultants involved in the evaluation (based on both covering letter and CVs) – 20%
  3. Quality of sample report submitted – 10%
  1. Only technical scores of higher than 70% will proceed to the next stage, the assessment of the financial criteria. The financial proposal will be scored in the following way:
  2. Total Price (Proximity to Farm Africa’s expected cost) – 50%
  3. Accuracy of Pricing – 50%
  4.             Accurate reflection of the technical proposal – 18%
  5.             Reasonableness of unit costs – 16%

                                                          iii.            Reasonableness of number of units – 16%

  1. Once the financial proposals have been assessed the technical and financial scores will be combined into a final score in accordance with the following weights:
    1. Technical Score (70%)
    2. Financial Score (30%)

The different packages will be assessed separately to enable fair comparison of all applications.

The successful applicant will be notified by Thursday 29th March 2018

: List of Current Job Vacancies / Opportunities in Uganda

: Uganda Jobs January , February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

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