Consultancy – Terms of Reference – Fundamentals of Management Training – Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation)

Consultancy – Terms of Reference – Fundamentals of Management Training – Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation)

Consultancy Title:   Terms of Reference – Fundamentals of Management Training

Organisation: Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation)

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda

Download TOR, Click Here


About US:

Handicap International Federation (HI) is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights.


Humanity and Inclusion (HI) Background:

Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity. “Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid and development organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. “HI is currently implementing more than 300 projects in nearly 60 different countries. For further information about the association:


Managers play a key role in motivating their teams and individual employees to accomplish the organization’s goals and achieve outcomes. However, managers often receive little or no formal training in management, and may struggle to motivate their staff in an effective way while dealing with pressure to meet targets. Job experience may help them gain leadership and management skill sets, however, this is not enough to efficiently and effectively carry out their roles.


Within the HI Uganda Program, we have staff who are first time managers as well as those who have been in their roles for years. There is therefore a need to build their skills in management to set them up for success which will positively impact them, the team and the organization.


Purpose of the Consultancy: The purpose of the consultancy is to provide all HI Uganda Line Managers with the technical knowledge and hands on training on mobile data collection, storage and analysis using Survey CTO as well as data management, analysis and Visualization using Microsoft Advanced Excel


Key tasks and expectations.

  • Define the role of a manager
  • Explain how to develop your credibility as a manager
  • Having the ability to communicate in a constructive and positive
  • Knowing how to distinguish between two communication postures and knowing when to use them
  • Communicating well, relaying messages effectively from your hierarch
  • Knowing how to formulate feedback according to the Facts/Impacts/Recommendations method
  • Understanding the different management styles, the different stages of development of a team member
  • Knowing how to organize and lead team meetings
  • Knowing how to set SMART goals
  • Understanding delegation and how to implement then



A preliminary report is to be submitted for review and a final draft report incorporating all comments. A hard and soft copy of the final report are to be submitted to HI The report will be in english and consist of the following :

  • Introduction
  • Findings and recommendations
  • Annexes of materials developed


The final training report should be completed by 29th July 2022.


Timelines, Download TOR


Duration of the Assignment: Based on the proposed assignment time line, the consultant shall provide a comprehensive training schedule. The allocation of the training days will be agreed up on the basis of the agreed training plan and shall include the following : –

Teaching methods:

  • Active teaching methods will be used including role-plays, demonstrations, games, questioning, etc. in combination with presentations and written exercises.

Learning materials:

  • Handouts will be provided to the trainees as well as materials needed for learning activities.
  • Workshop assessment methods:
  • Trainees will be asked to evaluate the training by filling a questionnaire before and after the training.
  • The work plan should also provide a clear schedule including execution: time necessary to achieve the training objective and how the consultant intends to approach the activities listed above to the service’s completion
  • The plan should also indicate the level of completion of the service, including criteria and indicators for checking that it is proceeding as planned


Profile for the consultant or consultancy firm:

  • At least two years of experience in adult education;
  • At least 5 years proven experience in conducting similar training for non-governmental organization employees;
  • Excellent proficiency in English, oral and written;
  • Good facilitation skill and able to accommodate different view of participants, understanding and experience


Evaluation, Download TOR


How to Apply:

The potential service providers are expected to submit an application based on these

Terms of Reference. The application will be evaluated against the following criteria:

  • Relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of proposed methodology and technical approach;
  • Organizational and technical capacity of the applicant;
  • Relevant experience in similar type of research; and


The application should include:

One-page cover letter; addressing the training criteria.

Technical Proposal: 05 page Maximum

  1. a) Presentation and profile of the applicant including technical references;
  2. b) Brief explanation of previous experience in this kind of work;
  3. c) Methodological note with a proposition regarding: the organization of the training including training notes
  4. d) Tentative work plan with timeframes and deadlines for deliverables.
  5. e) Structure of the training team (where applicable) including qualifications and experience.


Financial Proposal: The Financial proposal should contain the cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees (transport, living costs needed for training etc).


Please submit your application and CV to Logistics Department at by 12.00PM, Friday 10th June, 2022


Deadline: 10th June 2022 by 12:00pm


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