Cost Of Electricity in Namibia 2024-2025

Cost Of Electricity in Namibia 2024-2025

Cost Of Electricity in Namibia

What is Electricity?

The definition of electricity is the flow of charge. Usually our charges will be carried by free-flowing electrons. Negatively-charged electrons are loosely held to atoms of conductive materials. With a little push we can free electrons from atoms and get them to flow in a generally uniform direction.


The power sector in Namibia has undertaken several reforms aimed at attracting Independent Power Producers (IPPs) by providing a stable investment environment. Such reforms include the horizontal consolidation of more than 70 distributors into five regional electricity distribution companies (REDs) and the establishment of transparent tariff setting procedures, all overseen by the sector regulator, the Electricity Control Board (ECB). While the country’s generation mix utilizes primarily hydropower, the majority of electricity is imported (about 60% of the total electrical energy requirement), primarily through bilateral contracts from South Africa’s Eskom and to a lesser extent, the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP).

What is the cost of Electricity in Namibia 2024-2025?

Namibia Dollar 1.952

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What type of energy is used in the capital of Namibia?

Namibia uses coal solely for generating electricity, thus through the country’s only coal-powered station (Van Eck Power Station). All the coal used in Namibia is imported, and it mostly comes from South-Africa.

Where does Namibia get its electricity from?

Namibia’s main source of electricity generation is the 330 MW Ruacana Hydroelectric Power Station (Leskela, 2012). In 2015, about 125 ktoe of electricity from hydro was produced (AFREC, 2015). Other projects in the pipeline include the Epupa dam, the Baynes hydro project and various small hydro (REEEP, 2014).

Why is it difficult to produce sufficient hydropower in Namibia?

On Monday, Namibia’s state power utility NamPower confirmed it will not be supplying hydroelectric power to South Africa due to a lack of surplus energy generation because of low rainfall.

What are the available sources of renewable energy for Namibia?

A country like Namibia has abundant renewable energy sources like solar, wind, wave and biomass. By 2020 these resources could contribute up to 20% of the national electricity production. Within the next 10 years, technologies like wind, solar hydro and biomass could become economically viable without any subsidies.

Does Namibia import electricity?

Currently, Namibia imports most of its electricity from South Africa and other countries in the region. A special arrangement between NamPower and Eskom, the South African Power utility, enables Namibia to buy and utilise the surplus energy from SA at affordable rates.

Does Namibia have oil reserves?

An estimated 11 billion barrels in oil reserves have been found off Namibia’s coast, with the first production planned within four years, mines and energy minister Isak Katali announced.

Why does Namibia need to expand its energy infrastructure?

The study concluded that Namibia needs to increase its energy generation capacity by using generation mix and renewable energy, and ensure that the government engagement and good regional and international cooperation is maintained to promote security in energy supply and for export of energy surplus.

What are the natural resources in Namibia?

Namibia has been well endowed with natural resources, including a diversity of wild fauna and flora, diamonds, uranium, lead, copper, zinc, natural gas as well as fisheries.

Do we have coal in Namibia?

Namibia currently has no coal mining operations and only one small 120 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station. While there has been some coal exploration, the largest deposit is a high-grade metallurgical coal deposit.

Is there natural gas in Namibia?

Namibia holds 2.20 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves as of 2017, ranking 58th in the world and accounting for about 0.032% of the world’s total natural gas reserves of 6,923 Tcf. Namibia has proven reserves equivalent to inf times its annual consumption.

Why is it suitable for a country like Namibia to use solar energy?

The government recognises that Namibia is one of the best suited countries in the world for solar PV power generation and has a progressive national renewable energy policy. The key reason for this growth is that solar PV has become the cheapest source of electricity.

Does Namibia have loadshedding?

In this vein, Namibia’s national power utility, NamPower, which has an outstanding record of zero load shedding, has acknowledged the responsibility of being a catalyst in the development of a vibrant economy, an empowered society and a protected environment as driven by Vision 2030, the Fifth National Development Plan

Where does Namibia get its petrol from?

Energy supply plays a pivotal role in all developed and developing countries. Namibia has no refinery capacity and therefore imports all her refined products from South Africa through the Walvis Bay harbour and rails in lubricants as well from South African refineries.

What do you understand by energy management?

Energy management is the process of tracking and optimizing energy consumption to conserve usage in a building. There are few steps for the process of energy management: Collecting and analyzing continuous data. Identify optimizations in equipment schedules, set points and flow rates to improve energy efficiency.

How is electricity cost calculated?

Steps to Calculating Your Electricity Costs & Usage

  1. Choose an appliance or device and find out the watts required for use.
  2. Multiply that number by the number of hours you estimate using that appliance per month.
  3. Find your electricity rate on your bill and multiply your kWh number by that cost.

How much does leaving a light on all day cost?

Let’s say you have a 60-watt incandescent lightbulb and you are paying 12 cents per kWh of energy. Leaving the bulb on the whole day will therefore cost you: 0.06 (60 watts / 1000) kilowatts x 24 hours x 12 cents = approximately 20 cents in one day.

What causes high electric bill?

One of the main reasons your electric bill may be high is that you leave your appliances or electronics plugged in whether you’re using them or not. While that might not have been such a problem years ago, most modern appliances and gadgets draw electricity when turned off.

Will unplugging everything save electricity?

Unplugging your appliances probably won’t leave you noticeably richer, but it’s a relatively easy way to save 5 to 10 percent on your electric bill. And if you can convince your friends and neighbors to eliminate phantom power, too, the cumulative effect could be truly impressive.

Do phone chargers use power when not in use?

A spokesperson for the Energy Saving Trust adds: Any charger that is plugged in at the wall, and not switched off at the socket, will still use some electricity, even if it’s not plugged into the device it is meant to charge. One phone charger on its own will only draw a tiny amount of power.

How do I know if my appliance is using too much electricity?

To get specifics regarding your energy usage, you only need one tool, really: an electricity usage monitor that tells you exactly how many kWh a device or appliance is drawing. The monitor can be as simple as a “plug load” monitor that plugs into an outlet; then you plug the device/appliance into the monitor.

How do I know if my electric meter is faulty?

If the meter stops, turn on 1 appliance at a time and check the meter. If the meter starts to move very quickly, the appliance could be faulty. If the meter is still moving, it’s probably faulty.



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