Courses Offered at Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development Uganda

Courses Offered at Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development Uganda

  • Certificate in Social Mobilization and Development (1 Year)
  • Certificate in Counseling and Guidance (1 Year)
  • Certificate in Adult and Community education (1 Year)
  • Certificate in Public Administration & Management (1 Year)
  • Certificate in Community Based Rehabilitation (1 year)
  • Certificate ion Child Protection (1 year)
  • Certificate in Social Gerontology (3 months)
  • Certificate in Project Planning and Mg’t (3 months)
  • Certificate in Participatory Learning and Action (3 months)
  • Certificate in Computer Applications (2 months)

Diploma courses at the institute prepares you to make meaningful contributions and improve the quality of life of those around you and within your society. These courses below are all conducted at Mpigi campus;


  • Diploma in Social Work (2 years)
  • Diploma in Development Studies (2 years)
  • Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development (2 years)
  • Diploma in Public Administration and Management (2 years)
  • Diploma in Youth and Children in Development (2 years)
  • Diploma in Guidance and Counseling (2 years)
  • Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (2 years)


  • Diploma in Gender and Development (2 years)
  • Diploma in Adult Education & Development (2 years)
  • Diploma in Leadership and Good Governance (2 years)
  • Diploma in Juvenile Justice (2 years)

The primary focus of our undergraduate education programmes is to raise the quality of social workers by giving them adequate social development skills that they can use to impact their societies and communities. At the moment the Institute offers one undergraduate programme which is;Bachelor of arts in Social Development with a duration of 3years. It coincides with Makerere University. Its full-time for both Day and Evening.

Background of Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development Uganda

Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development Uganda Contacts and Address

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