COVID-19 Grants for Youth Organizations in Rwanda
COVID-19 Grants for Youth Organizations in Rwanda
Call for Youth Organizations – Save The Children COVID-19 Rapid Response Mechanism (Rwanda).
Are you a youth-led organization with a big idea to reach young people with sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Do you see a timely opportunity to support the rights of adolescents and youth to decide, freely and for themselves, how they access SRH information and services?
If yes, then you can apply for this Covid-19 Rapid Response Mechanism!
The Covid-19 Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) is a one-time call for proposals focusing on youth-led and youth-focused initiatives.
Through this initiative, Save the Children aims to:
- Expand access for adolescents and young people, particularly those living in emergency settings, to a range of SRH information and services during the Covid-19 pandemic Strengthen the capacity of youth-led organizations working on adolescent and youth SRH Learn from youth organizations to support future RRM opportunities and capacity-building efforts of youth-led organizations
- The Covid-19 RRM for Youth Organizations will provide small grants for time-sensitive projects.Your project should propose SRH activities to benefit adolescents and/or youth to overcome challenges created and/or intensified by the Covid-19 pandemic.
- The RRM grants are aimed at reaching the most vulnerable adolescents and youth; thus, grants with proposed activities that benefit refugee adolescents and youth will be prioritized.
- The activities in your project should fall into one or more of the following categories: Technical assistance, non-routine training, advocacy, or increasing access for adolescents and youth affected by humanitarian crises. Save the Children will be providing capacity-building assistance throughout the project as well.Funding Information
- The Rapid Response Mechanism will award a maximum of two grants to youth-led organizations. The selection process will be competitive and coordinated by Save the Children.
- These grants will not exceed US$20,000.
- These project funds must be spent by October 31, 2020.Eligibility Criteria
Youth-led organizations are eligible for consideration in this time-bound call for proposals.
Save the Children considers organizations to be youth-led if they are both serving and led by young people (25 years old or under).
Please remember that:
- Applicants must be registered as an association following local regulations.
- Applicants must have an official bank account registered in the organization’s name.
- Your application must benefit adolescents and/or youth.Apply by 10th August.
For more information and application details, see; COVID-19 Grants for Youth Organizations in Rwanda