Creative Writing Residency – National University of Singapore

Creative Writing Residency – National University of Singapore

Creative Writing Residency: Applications are invited for the Singapore Creative Writing Residency programme. Created to promote creative writing, this writing residency is jointly organised by the National University of Singapore’s University Scholars Programme (NUS USP) and The Arts House (TAH).

The Residency aims to:

1. Provide time and opportunity for the Resident to complete or make substantial progress with a written work (the “Work”) in English of substantial length and content.

2. Generate interaction and critical discussion among potential writers and stimulate new writing from them through public programmes organised by the Resident in Singapore.

The work, which can be fiction or non-fiction, cover any topic, and should be in one of the following forms; prose, verse, stage play, radio play or screenplay.

The completed Work, or, part of a work must be of publishable standard, and part must be for a public reading/lecture by the end of the Residency, or shortly thereafter.

The residency will be for a period of 6 months and the resident will be required to take up residence at Cinnamon College, the USP residential college at National University of Singapore.

The resident will receive a monthly stipend of $3,500 as well as a bonus at the end of the residency (which is subject to performance).

The resident will be provided with board, lodging, a computer, and supporting peripherals during the tenure of his/her residency.

Creative Writing Residency – Who May Apply

The programme invites applicants of any nationality. Applicants must:

  • Be a published writer of English-language works;
  • Not be enrolled as a full time student in an undergraduate or graduate programme, or fully employed by any organisation at the time he/she is granted the Residency. Applicants of all nationalities are welcome to apply.

Creative Writing Residency – Assessment Criteria

Selection for the Residency will be based on:

  • Artistic achievement and potential of the applicant;
  • The strength of his/her proposal for activities during the Residency to conduct public programmes involving students and potential writers; and
  • Interview performance (for shortlisted candidates only)

Creative Writing Residency – Requirements

  • The Resident must take up residency at Cinnamon College, the USP residential college at NUS, and work on site (i.e. Cinnamon College and The Arts House).
  • The Resident is to submit two progress reports, a mid-residency and a final report. The reports are to include samples of writing completed during the Residency. Continuation of the Residency will be subject to review of the progress reports.
  • The Resident is required to complete or substantial progress with a written work in the English language (agreed upon by the Selection Committee and Supervisors), which should be of a standard ready for publication in print or electronic media and a public reading/lecture by the end of the Residency.
  • Should the work be published following the completion of the Residency, the Resident must acknowledge the work as having been created during the Singapore Creative Writing Residency.
  • The Resident is to conduct public programmes involving students and potential writers at both University Scholars Programme and The Arts House during the Residency, generating interaction and critical discussion among students and potential writing talents in Singapore and stimulating new writing from them.
  • The Resident will mentor a maximum of six students during the course of Residency and will conduct weekly workshops at Cinnamon College at NUS, opento all students. He/She will also offer one reading and organise one open mike session.
  • The Resident will present three public programmes at The Arts House located at The Old Parliament House. The public programmes can include but are not limited to talks, workshops and readings.
  • The Resident will not use the Residency as a platform for any defamatory, libelous, religious, political, racist or sexist remarks against any political, racial, gender or social group.

For more information and application, see; Creative Writing Residency – National University of Singapore

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