Diageo African Business Reporting Awards

Diageo African Business Reporting Awards

The Diageo Africa Business Reporting Awards recognise and reward journalists, editors and photographers providing high quality coverage of the business environment in Africa.

They are a practical contribution to addressing the marginalisation of Africa in the international media.

Submissions for the following categories are welcome:


  • Best Published Feature
  • Best Radio Feature
  • Best TV Feature
  • Best Published Photograph
  • Media of the Year
  • Journalist of the YearThe Diageo Africa Business Reporting Awards are opento all journalists covering business in Africa.

    Follow the links below for more details and applicationcontacts.

    The final date for entries is usually 1 May each year.To enter, please submit a completed entry form for each Award category you would like to enter, then post with your work to: Awards Secretary, DABRA, africapractice, 67-69 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4HF, United Kingdom.

    If you have any queries or require further information, please email: gail.bradley[at]diageo.com

    For further details, and application materials, contact: Diageo African Business Reporting Awards

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