EAIL Public Administration and Management Course

EAIL Public Administration and Management Course

East Africa Institute of Learning Public Administration and Management Course

Course Objective: 

Recent years have witnessed wider-ranging administrative reforms than any other period of the twentieth century. In Uganda for instance, this period has witnessed wider-ranging public sector reforms such as restructuring of the civil service and retrenchment of personnel, liberalization of the economy, privatization of public enterprises and the adoption of the decentralization system of government. Alongside these changes Uganda has also witnessed a forward lead in economic and social development as well as the growth of the private sector. All these changes have therefore created a vacuum in the human resources market place especially for appropriate trained and educated personnel in the areas of policy formulation, management, administration and services delivery at all levels of government and the private sector, which is rapidly expanding. The Graduate Diploma in Public Administration and management therefore aims to provide a broad overview of issues in public policy, management and administration, Analyzes the nature of public administration, its structure and limitations; includes staff organization and chain of command, unemployment policies, personnel training and management, employees, organizations, and public relations. While due cognizance is also taken of international developments and how these may influence government and related issues.The modules are designed to equip the student with knowledge as well as practical and academic skills.


  • Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
  • Have an advanced understanding of theories and contemporary developments in the fields of public policy and public sector administration in both developed and developing countries
  • Analyse critically, evaluate and transform information.
  •  Analyse, generate and transmit solutions to complex problems within the fields of public policy and public sector administration. • Interpret and transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Apply their knowledge and skills within the fields of public policy and public sector administration to demonstrate autonomy and to display expert judgment, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner or learner.
  •  Explain what encompasses the field of public administration.
  • Explain what it means to be a public administrator.
  • Acknowledge that public administration is a wide-ranging and complex subject that involves core activities of government.
  • Explain the core activities provided by highly trained public administration experts and specialized organizations.
  • Explain the core purpose of public administration.
  • Recognize that public administration encompasses a large and dynamic portion of government at all three levels of the federal system, engaging even in nonprofit and private enterprise.

The Diploma course therefore is geared to providing an opportunity for such people to have completed “A” Level and the Certificate course with knowledge in business that will enable them to be employed gainfully. It can be also be an avenue for academic growth where people without the minimum 2 principles passes to enter the University can join on passing the Diploma program to do a Degree program and those who don’t have enough Income to join the Degree programs directly.

Course Outline: 

The following modules/units will be covered;

DIA 6101: Communication Skills and ICT
DIA 6102: Introduction to Management and Administration
DIA 6103: Public Management
DIA 6104: Strategic Planning and Management
DIA 6105: Development Administration
DIA 6106: Research Methods
DIA 6107: Public Policy and Management
DIA 6108: Ethics in Public Administration
DIA 6109: Organizational Behavior for Service Excellence
DIA 6110: Financial Accounting and Management
DIA 6111: Economics and Public Finance
DIA 6112: Human Resource Management
DIA 6113: Business Management
DIA 6114: Customer Relationship Management
DIA 6115: Project

Course Methodology: 

classroom learning

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4 thoughts on “EAIL Public Administration and Management Course”

  1. Am asking about my application for Diploma in Computer , Information Communication Technology. I want Join Instructions.

    • Salome, the JUCO joining instructions for 2017 – 2018 are yet to be released. Kindly check back

  2. What about jordan university have they already release da list of selected applicants or?

  3. this is Emmanuel Desdery Kusekwa
    when the second batch of undergraduate degree candidates will be published? ?

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