Early Career Scholars Program

Early Career Scholars Program

Early Career Scholars Program: The William T. Grant Foundation invites applications for early career scholars program.

The foundation has announced its annual competition for the William T. Grant Scholars Program, which supports promising early career researchers from various disciplines.

Through this program, the foundation supports research to under- stand and improve the settings of youth between the ages of 8 and 25 in the United States.

Important settings include schools, youth-serving organizations, neighborhoods, families, and peer groups.

The foundation’s interest in youth settings extends to two areas:

1) studies that strengthen the understanding of how settings work, how they affect youth development, and how they can be improved; and

2) studies that strengthen the understanding of how and under what conditions research is used to influence policies and practices that affect youth’s settings.

Every year four to six scholars are selected to receive $350,000, distributed over five years.

Awards are made to the applicant’s institution, providing support of $70,000 per year.

Applicants at all nonprofit institutions, both in the United States and abroad, are eligible.

International applicants should be pursuing research that has clear, compelling policy or practice implications for the settings of young people between the ages of 8 and 25 in the United States. Any discipline is eligible.

The award is designed for early career researchers. Applicants must have received their terminal degree within seven years of submitting their application.

Follow the links below for more details and applicationcontacts.

Deadline: July every year.

For complete program information, eligibility restrictions, and application procedures, see: Early Career Scholars Program

List of International Scholarships