Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships

Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships

Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships: A number of Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships, funded by the European Commission, are available for highly qualified third-country graduate students and scholars.

For each student the scholarship amounts to 21,000 Euro per academic year.

This includes 10 monthly grants of 1,600 Euro and a fixed amount of 5,000 Euro for fees, travel expenses, relocation costs, etc.

Students must have obtained a BSc diploma (or equivalent) of substantial quality and level corresponding to 3 years studies at University, equivalent to 180 ECTS.

They must have studied Engineering, Economics or Management (for studying atDelft, these studies must be in a technological field or the natural sciences).

Application procedure:

Applicants have to send the following documents by email (to emin[at]

The application form. Please make sure you attach all certified photocopies of diplomas or transcripts required A pdf file describing previous studies, motivations and professional project (10 pages, single-spaced).

The report has to be written in English. Relate your motivation to your background, education, research experience, career planning and your personal vision.

Please provide also details on your choice of Universities for studying the conomics Management of Network Industries and on your thesis outline or project.

A curriculum vitae in the Europass format.

At least two letters of recommendation from the University of origin (please include telephone numbers of the professors). The reference form is included in the application form.

The application deadlines is January 31st for third country students requesting an EU Grant.

Applicants should also send a signed original of the application form and letters of recommendation, along with photocopies of the academic and language certificates or trasncripts required by mail to: Pedro Linares, Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Alberto Aguilera 23, 28015 Madrid, Spain.

For more information and application, please visit; Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships

List of International Scholarships