Education Lead Job Opportunities – Mott MacDonald

Education Lead Job Opportunities – Mott MacDonald

Job Title: Education Lead

Organisation: Mott MacDonald

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda


About US:

Mott MacDonald is a leading, employee-owned global management, engineering and development consultancy with £1 billion revenue and more than 14,000 staff working in 140
countries for both the public and private sectors. Our International Development Services Unit, IDS, operates portfolios within the international development sectors of Environment, Climate, Water, Roads, Rural & Urban Development, Education, Health, Social and Economic Development in over 40 countries.
Together we implement and manage projects in developing countries and emerging economies around the world, supporting national governments and municipalities in policy, planning, project design and delivery. We are committed to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to provide our expertise to improve the lives of people in need.


Job Summary: Reporting to the Technical Team Leader and working in close collaboration with the teams in the field, the PIT Lead will provide technical leadership and oversight to the technical initiatives within SESIL’s programme.

The overall aim of the role is to ensure that SESIL’s innovative programmes deliver the intended outcome of improved learning outcomes for the most marginalized P1 – P3 children. This is full-time position based in Kampala with at least 50% travel to the field to oversee the implementation of the community-led learning and engagement initiatives.

Through the community-led learning (CLL) initiative, SESIL expects to achieve the following:

Improved levels of literacy and numeracy of children attending CLL lessons

Through the CLL-focused radio programmes, SESIL expects to achieve the following:

Improved levels of literacy and numeracy of children listening to the lessons

Through the community engagement initiative, SESIL expects to achieve the following:

Improved learning progress for children attending CLL lessons.

Regular positive parent/community engagement in children’s learning through the Family-Led Learning (FLL) initiative and Centre Management Committees.

Children are safe in and around the CLL learning centres.


Key Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Contribute to the detailed design and support the implementation of SESIL’s CLL, radio and FLL initiatives. This includes driving the detailed design and implementation of CLL in new Local Governments.
  • Provide technical guidance and training to the field teams to implement the technical initiatives and planned activities.
  • Coordinate the adaptations and improvements of interventions, in terms of design and implementation, based on evidence generated from monitoring data in all SESIL Local Governments/CLL communities.
  • Oversee the safeguarding work of SESIL, to 1. strengthen safeguarding systems and practices within SESIL and design actions to protect children and vulnerable adults in the target communities; and 2. ensure SESIL’s interventions are widely inclusive and have a strong focus on supporting girls.
  • Oversee the design/review of relevant material including radio lesson scripts, and information, communication and education materials to guide the delivery of CLL radio programmes and the community engagement activities. This includes learner checks/quizzes to be used by parents to monitor their children’s learning or material on children’s safety.
  • Represent SESIL at external meetings with the Government of Uganda and EDPs to ensure constructive engagement in the sector, effective dissemination of SESIL’s lessons, and development of further funding opportunities.
  • Participate in weekly Senior Management Team meetings and line manage two Kampala-based technical team members
  • Draft quarterly reports on programme activities, successes, challenges and lessons.
  • Immediate deliverable:
  • Lead the detailed design of roll-out and implementation for CLL cohort 4 in SESIL LGs and new LGs (April 2022)


Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • The ideal applicant must hold a Master’s Degree in Education, Development, Social Sciences, or related field.
  • Relevant experience in senior leadership positions, and proven technical knowledge and expertise in early grade education and community/parental engagement in developing country contexts, preferably in Uganda.
  • Experience in the development of education material to enable local governments, learning facilitators and parents/ communities (both those with or without ability to read and write) to implement initiatives that support children in their learning.
  • Directly relevant experience in community mobilisation and development related to provision of quality education and or child protection services, preferably including social behavior change activities.
  • Knowledge of local government community structures and structures for working with same.
  • Understanding of the Ugandan education and child protection context.
  • Ability to build effective relationships with all clients, peers, and stakeholders.
  • Ability to work within a cross cultural setting, negotiate diplomatically, and function well under pressure.
  • Excellent planning, reporting and risk management skills.
  • Experience of programme management.
  • Good verbal communication skills, including speaking clearly and persuasively to individuals and groups; listening effectively and responding effectively.
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritise and manage own time for maximum efficiency.
  • Excellent IT skills and confidence in Outlook, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;


Job Profile

Cambridge Education specialises in improving education systems in low- and middle-income countries, through strategic thinking – policy-level evaluation, analysis and design – and actual programme implementation. We make people’s lives better by helping to improve teaching, learning and the running of education systems. In all our activities, the goal is not a static event, but developing resilient, sustainable improvement processes. We’re global leaders in providing consultancy services to government agencies at national and local level, and to international development agencies and partners as they seek to enhance people’s skills and economic prospects.


We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate and we take positive steps to create an inclusive culture.


SESIL (Strengthening Education Systems for Improved Learning), is a four-year education programme designed to improve the quality and equity of measurable learning outcomes at lower primary level in Uganda.

SESIL is implemented with funding provided by the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office and is managed by Cambridge Education.

The programme works with and through the MoES, other central agencies, communities and local governments at the district/municipal or city levels, as well as sub-county, parish and village level in around 15 districts in West Nile and in the Eastern Region of Uganda.


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, SESIL aims to:

  • Ensure learners in the lower primary grades maintain or improve their progress in literacy and numeracy
  • Minimize children’s exposure to the Coronavirus as well as to the increased risk of violence through embedded messaging in alternative learning programmes
  • As part of the support to ensure continuity of learning, both whilst schools remain closed, and in the longer term once schools have re-opened, SESIL implemented a pilot of a community-led learning (CLL) initiative in 15 Local Governments. The pilot completed in June 2021 May. Annex 1 outlines the CLL approach. The CLL initiative has been scaled-up from October 2021 to reach an additional 360,000 children by December 2022.
  • To increase learning opportunities for children involved in CLL, SESIL will also:
  • develop and broadcast radio programmes targeting children, parents and caregivers, and Community Learning Facilitators (CLFs). The radio programmes have been broadcast across all 15 SESIL LGs since September 2021.
  • Implement a Family-Led learning and Community Engagement initiative, targeting communities to support their children’s learning and safety in CLL and at home.


How to Apply:

All suitably qualified and interested candidates should apply online at the link below


Click Here


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