Electric Power Engineering Scholarships – Chalmers University of Technology

Electric Power Engineering Scholarships – Chalmers University of Technology

Electric Power Engineering Scholarships: The Swedish Institute offers Electric Power Engineering Scholarships to foreign students of ANY nationality.

These grants are sufficient to cover living expenses while studying at Chalmers University. Previous University studies in Electrical Engineering are required.

Applications will be judged on a case-by-case basis and applicants who have accomplished a degree of knowledge and / or experience equivalent to a B.Sc. are welcome to apply.

Master’s Programme studies at Chalmers University Do Not Involve Any Fees For Tuition except for a small fee towards Students Union.

The Swedish Institute offers scholarships to foreign students of key personel. These grants are sufficient to cover living expenses while studying at Chalmers.

Your application for scholarship should be sent to Chalmers University together with your admission application. Please do not apply for scholarships to Swedish Institute directly.

There is no special application form for a Swedish Institute scholarship.

You have to express clearly (in a separate letter, with your admission application) that you wish to apply for a Swedish Institute scholarship.

As soon as your application, together with ALL necessary documents are received, you will be considered a candidate for Swedish Institute scholarship.

By the time you are informed about your admission to the programme, the University will let you know whether you have been granted a SI scholarship.

Application deadline – Mid January every year.

For further details, and application materials, contact: Electric Power Engineering Scholarships – Chalmers University of Technology

List of International Scholarships