Elephant Conservation and Research Grant

Elephant Conservation and Research Grant.

During the 2012 grant cycle, the International Elephant Foundation will specifically target six specific themes for funding.

These themes, developed in close consultation with conservation and research specialists, are:


  • Human elephant conflict action;
  • Action to eliminate illegal killing and trafficking of elephants;
  • Community capacity building;
  • Conservation education;
  • Management of elephant populations;
  • Critical diseases – EEHV or Tuberculosis.Criteria for Funding:


  • Requests for funds must provide thorough information for justification and evaluation of the project and the specific request, including a detailed evaluation of background literature and design/methodology.
  • Projects that designate local/public education/awareness as a significant program outcome must include an evaluation component.
  • Projects must begin in the year that they are applying for funding, (but not before funds are to be awarded) and contain a clearly defined beginning and end.
  • Funds will not be awarded for elements of a project that will have already occurred before awards are made.
  • Budget requests that consist primarily of salary will generally not be considered favorably.International individuals and organizations are eligible as are students, scientists and institutions.

    Students are required to provide faculty advisor approval; the advisor should be a co-investigator on the application and must accept the responsibility of project completion and reporting.

    Application Deadline; August.

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