Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants
Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants: Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants are open to women between the ages of 21 and 50 who are Higher educationstudents and ordinarily resident in the UK or have refugee status.
Grants only help with childcare costs.
Support is given to students studying for a first degree in Administration, Business and Secretarial, Childcare, Hotel and Catering, Leisure and Sport, Humanities, Languages, Law, Medicine and Health, Science and Technology, Social Care and Social Work, Social Sciences, Teacher Training (with the exception of PGCE).
Applicants must:
- be women
- have principal caring responsibility for EITHER a child or children under the age of 14.
- have been ordinarily resident in the UK for 3 years before the start of the academic year in which the course begins, or have been granted refugee status, exceptional leave to enter/remain in the UK, discretionary leave or humanitarian protection (ordinary residence applies to ELE/ELR, DL and HP).
- be studying, or have an offer of a place, at an LEA recognised college or university
- have a gross household income not greater than £22,560 per annum.
For an application form, write giving your age and the title, level and duration of your course, stating that you need help with childcare costs to: he Administrator, Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust, 28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JS. Telephone: 020 7631 0566. For more scholarship information and application: Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants
List of International Scholarships